Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Breakfast at Crepe Expectations

Perry woke up Monday morning and couldn't wait to go see her baby birdies.

My friend Brittany's son, Beckham, started going to school with Perry, and she sent me the cutest pics when she dropped him off that morning.

My mom picked the girls up from school for the afternoon and took them to get Slurpees.

The baby birds must've fallen out of their nest during the day, because they were all on the ground when we got home that afternoon.

Perry made me stay outside with her all evening to watch the baby birds, and the Mommy bird kept flying all around us.

We said good morning to them again on Tuesday. Perry can't get enough.

Gracie made a video at school with her friend, and I was dying of laughter when it popped up on my phone. This girl is too much.

We watched the final Knights game of the season, and it was so bittersweet. I can't believe they made it all the way to the Stanley Cup Finals. They did so much for our community and really brought everyone together like never before. We're so proud to call them our home team and are already counting down the days until next season.

Perry and Beckham continued to play together at school.

I tried telling Perry she had two minutes before she had to go to bed, and she insisted that she had two more hours.

Then she fell asleep all snuggled up with Mommy.

We went to our favorite breakfast spot, Crepe Expectations, for breakfast on Saturday. I enjoyed a mimosa sampler, and we shared a nutella crepe for breakfast dessert.

We redid our letter board in the kitchen, and I'm in love with it.

Daddy and Perry napped together Saturday afternoon.

We had a super fun game night with our friends, and the kids had a blast playing together and dressing up.

Grace took more selfies on her phone. I liked this one, because she has eye shadow on only one eye.

We spent the morning at FLIPnOUT, and we all had so much fun being crazy on the trampolines.

Grace and Char both made it up this huge wall and were so proud of themselves.

Perry was exhausted when we got home and fell asleep eating Cheerios on the couch.

I picked her up and snuggled with her, while I caught up on my shows.

She went upstairs with sisters and played when she woke up, and they made this silly video.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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