Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Grace's Birthday Sleepover

Perry went to school on Monday since she was feeling much better. I got a call a few hours later that she had some sores on her hands, so I needed to pick her up. She was in a great mood, had no fever, and I couldn't see any sores at all. I think they were just taking extra precautions since it was going around the class so quickly. We spent the afternoon at home playing together, which I'll take any day of the week.

Grace drew a picture of herself playing soccer and wrote that she really really really loves it "espeshlee win I win".

My mom picked Grace and Char up from school and took them shopping for Grace's birthday gift. They shopped until they dropped. Literally.

Tuesday, I brought Perry to work with me until my mom picked her up around lunch time. She spent the afternoon watching Coco and playing with Grammy.

Gracie and Charley had a sleepover with Peyton and swam all night and the next day.

Ava FaceTimed Perry, and they both happened to be in the bath tub.

Perry spent Wednesday with Grammy, who also had Kaitlyn for the day. She had so much fun playing with Kait Kait, and they were super cute together.

We've been using our diffuser constantly lately, and I am obsessed with this summer blend. I always add extra lime, because it's my fav.

The next day was one of the easiest ever when it came to waking her up for school. I'm sure you all know how this kid loves her beauty sleep.

She brought home a lesson from school where she learned about the number four.

Gracie took selfies in the car and took a video of herself singing. It's the best when stuff like this pops up in my camera roll on my phone.

Perry napped hard when we got home, which was awesome, because we had Grace's birthday party sleepover planned for that night. We had to cancel last minute last weekend and move it to this week due that hand, foot, mouth business.

Gracie's friends came over around one o'clock, and we headed to my mom's so they could all go swimming. They had so much fun playing hide-and-go-seek with pool toys, jumping off the wall, and giggling up a storm.

Auntie Allison and Ava joined us, and Perry swam around all by herself with her puddle jumper on.

Once the girls were done swimming, we headed back to our house where they showered and changed into their matching "Sleep Squad" pajamas. While Isaac grilled burgers and hot dogs and made pizza in the oven, the girls painted each other's nails in my bathroom.

After dinner (these girls can eat!), we sang Happy Birthday to Grace Face.

The girls make a giant bed on the living room floor, and we watched movies until we made them go upstairs to go to sleep.

When the girls woke up, we had orange cinnamon rolls, eggs, and bacon for breakfast, and they played a sleepover game that one of the girls had gotten Grace for her gift. They were so silly, and we had fun watching them play.

After they all left, we had to get ready to head to Chase's birthday party at Bounce U. The girls love this place, and it's always a good time, especially when all of your cousins get to play with you, too. Happy Birthday, Chase! We love you and can't believe you are already FIVE!

Back at home, Perry snacked upstairs with the girls, while they took pictures on their iPads.

It was a super busy, super fun week!

See ya next time.

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