Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Grandma Turns 80!

Monday, Isaac went to Jamba Juice for lunch, and I had the yummiest açaí bowl.

Perry insisted on trying to brush Toodles teeth, and he wasn't amused (but she sure was!).

We went to Ventano for dinner since Auntie Andrea and Uncle Dan were in town. Grace took selfies with Grammy, and Perry and Ava had a hug fest.

Perry played hide and seek with sisters in the car and had me cracking up. She did this over and over and then would say "Your turn! Go hide!".

Wednesday evening, we celebrated my Grandma's 80th birthday down at the church building. Isn't she the cutest thing you've ever seen?! She's also the sweetest, most giving, loving person I've ever met. Some of my best childhood memories are with her and Poppa, and I love them both SO much. Happy Birthday, Grandma!

Gracie's birthday was on Thursday, and she turned eight years old!

We met the family at Lucille's for dinner. This is the place she picks for dinner every year on her birthday.

After dinner, the kiddos ran around the splash pad playing in the water and had so much fun together.

On the way to the car, the kids spotted Ben & Jerry's, so we stopped for ice cream, too. When it's your birthday, you're allowed to have whatever you want.

Perry randomly got a fever that night, so she had to come to work with me the next day. She watched her iPad, napped, and took over mine and Isaac's offices.

After talking to some of the other moms, I decided to take Perry to the doctor since Hand, Foot, Mouth and strep throat seemed to be going around her class. Of course her doctor didn't have any openings, but he recommended Over the Rainbow Urgent Care. We were the only ones there, and the girls ooh'd and ahh'd as soon as we walked in. It was the cutest little office I'd ever seen! The doc ruled out strep, so we figured it must be HFM even though she didn't really have any symptoms. 

I realized that she had barely eaten that day, and that evening she kept pointing to her mouth and crying that it hurt. I never saw any sores, but that had to be what it was.

We basically spent the entire weekend eating Otter Pops and snuggling on the couch watching movies.

Grace and Charley went to Peyton's birthday party, which was a nice break for them to get out of the house. They had a blast swimming the afternoon away.

Isaac met my cousin for drinks for her 21st birthday, since Perry was glued to me all weekend. Happy Birthday, Mal!

Sunday was Father's Day, but we couldn't leave the house, so we just continued our movie marathon. The girls gave Daddy some super cute Father's Day gifts that they had made him, and he also got his iPad mini that he's been wanting (he bought it for himself).

Perry's fever finally broke that day, and she seemed much happier. Here's to hoping we are finally getting over the hump.

See ya next week!

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