Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Ready to Trick or Treat on Halloween

Perry looked so cute before school on Monday. I had extra time to get her ready that morning, because all three of the girls had dentist appointments.

Poor Gracie had to get a tooth pulled as her braces are moving things around in there. She was so good! When they put the laughing gas on her nose, she kept raising her arms in the air. She said her whole body felt tingly. She was confused as to why it wasn't making her laugh and asked, "will it at least make me smile? I love smiling.".

I came across this and loved it so much. I thought it was a great message for the kids (and us grown-ups, too).

Tuesday was picture day at day care, and the background was a Christmas-y theme. It felt silly to dress the girls in Christmas outfits the day before Halloween, and Perry and Acelyn showed up wearing the same outfit.

I love watching them on the cameras during the day. Wondering where they're at? Perry is in the bookshelf laying on the top shelf while Acelyn watches her.

Wednesday, the girls dressed up for Halloween. I knew Perry would ruin her costume and wanted to save it for night time, so she was Buzz Lightyear at school. The glasses had me cracking up.

Grace and Char's teachers shared pictures of their classes all dressed up for the day.

When we got home, the girls couldn't wait to get ready. They put their costumes on and we did some make-up on Charley. They all looked so adorable! Gracie couldn't wear her vampire fangs, because her braces were in the way.

Everyone started arriving, so we grabbed a quick group shot of all of the kids before we went Trick or Treating.

Amelia and Perry could hardly wait.

The kids had so much fun, and the girls stayed up later than I did. Halloween is always one of our favorites, because we get to spend it with so many of our favorite people.

Thursday was our first ultrasound for baby #4. We got to see it's heartbeat and watch it flipping all over the place.

Grace's class dissected fruits and veggies to check out the seeds that were in the different types of plants. I almost died when I saw the pictures that her teacher sent over.

Perry watched Gracie's soccer practice and loved climbing all over the bleachers.

She wanted to sleep in on Friday and giggled as I tried to make her wake up.

We went to Vons and got our early vote on after work that night.

I thought this was hilarious and absolutely true.

We went to the Halls to watch the Knights game Saturday, so of course we had to bring some of our favorite cookies.

The kids played while we watched the Knights shut out the Hurricanes.

The Titans, Sooners, and Rebels all won their football games that day, too. I had to mark this occasion as this very rarely happens.

Perry napped the day away on Sunday.

The girls played street hockey with the Sebastian boys and had so much fun.

We had dinner at Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's, and the kids ate outside under the prettiest cotton candy sky.

That's all for now! See ya next week.

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