Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Saying Good-Bye to Another Soccer Season

Perry's hair is getting super thick and long. It bounces when she walks and sticks straight up when she sleeps.

We had dinner at Grammy and Papa's since it was Uncle Dan and Auntie Andrea's last night in town. The big kids wrestled with Uncle Dan, and Kait and Perry cheers'd with their milks.

Daddy fed the girls breakfast burritos while I got my nails done after work.

Perry's tummy was bothering her, and we had to pick her up from school. She spent the rest of the day coloring and snacking in Mommy and Daddy's offices.

She napped on the floor next to the file cabinets in the afternoon and was totally fine all day.

We went to Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's for enchiladas to celebrate Grandpa's birthday.

Presley and Paxton came to Char's soccer game, and Pax helped Perry pull the wagon.

After her game, Char's team had their end of season celebration. Perry snagged a cupcake and had so much fun eating the frosting.

We stopped by the park Sunday morning to take a picture of the girls announcing the new baby that is on the way.

Charley insisted on collecting leaves to take home and paint.

Perry hopped across the living room, and then nonchalantly said, "that was funny" as she walked away.

I ate a whole box of cherry tomatoes on the way home from the store. I've been craving them all the time and have been turning down sweets, which is so unlike me.

Perry snuggled with me while we watched Sunday Night Football and fell asleep early.

That's all for this week. See ya next time <3

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