Last Week...

Picture of the Week: Birthday Party Fun

Perry was being crazy before bed on Monday.

I saw this after I got her to sleep, and it perfectly fit my life at that moment.

Isaac and I went to the playoff game with Mom and Rick on Tuesday and watched the Knights get a 5-0 shutout! We had the best time as usual.

Perry crawled in bed with me when she saw that I had an ice cream cone and proceeded to eat it all.

Grammy took Grace and Charley up to Utah for a couple of days since they were on spring break. They got to spend time with Grandma Beth, Aunt Laura, and Aunt Jessie and had such a great time with them all.

Perry followed Daddy all around, and they sang songs while he pushed her on the swing. He painted a plan for the new plants he is going to install, and she copied him as he surveyed the yard.

Poppa and Gran came over to celebrate Easter on Friday and dye Easter eggs with the girls.

Perry ate as many as she colored.

They made so many pretty eggs and especially loved making the tie dye ones.

Perry ran around the house in her Vampirina costume like a crazy person.

We made cupcakes for Charley and Perry's party the next day, so I let Perry frost some. Isaac thought it was funny to hide corn nuts in two of them, and then he took them out of the oven and mixed them all up before he remembered. We had to buy cupcakes the next morning, because I didn't want to risk a little kid choking on a corn nut after he couldn't figure out which ones they were (insert eye roll here).

We celebrated Charley's 7th birthday and Perry's 3rd birthday a little early this year since we'll be having a baby right before both of them. We invited lots of friends and family to play at FlipN Out Xtreme, and they all got to run around jumping, climbing, and bouncing all over the place.

We had pizza and cupcakes with all of the kids before they got to run amok for another hour. It was the easiest party, and the girls had the best time playing with everyone.

Frannie and I got one last belly bump picture before the boys arrive. BFFs from the womb <3

Perry was exhausted and napped when we got home.

After her nap, we headed out to Papa Craig and Grandma Sunshine's to celebrate Easter with them. The kids got super fun baskets with all of their favorite things, had an egg hunt, and dyed Easter eggs.

Perry found the coveted golden egg and was so excited that she "won" the egg hunt.

We spent Easter Sunday celebrating with Papa Rick and Grammy and then again with Grandpa and Grandma Espejo. These kids sure did get spoiled this week! I hope they realize how lucky they are.

That's all for now. See ya next week!

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