Last Week...

Picture of the Week: My Four Babies

Perry and I snuggled at bed time. I'm starting to feel a little sad that she won't be the baby any more, so I'm taking all the snuggle time I can get!

I watched baby brother roll around in my belly after dinner. I can't believe he'll be here this Friday!

Charley had team pictures at practice, and they turned out so cute.

I had my last monitoring appointment and one final ultrasound Thursday. Baby looks perfect, and they are estimating he will be seven pounds, ten ounces when he is born in the morning. He was just hanging out in there with his hands in his face, like usual. I also had to go to the hospital to do some pre-op lab work before picking the kids up from school.

Grace and Charley both had field day on Friday, and they had a blast playing with their friends.

Meanwhile, Isaac and I were at the hospital waiting for Baby Brother to make his appearance. All went smoothly, and he's finally here!

We spent the next two days at the hospital visiting with family and smothering this sweet little guy with love.

He woke up for a few minutes Friday night and looked around the room before going back to sleep.

Daddy napped with him Saturday morning, and then I got my turn.

Grandma Sunshine stopped by to meet the little guy and get in some snuggle time of her own.

Grandma Espejo took Charley to her soccer game, and then Char and Perry went back to her house and swam the afternoon away.

Grammy took Gracie to her game since it was at a different park at the same time as Char's. Then they stopped by the hospital to spend more time with the baby.

These pictures make me laugh so hard every time. You can really see how tiny he is in these ones.

Sunday brought more snuggling as we waited for word from the doctor that we could head home. Look at all the hair baby has!

He made the sweetest baby noises, and I couldn't get enough of him.

Daddy admired his tiny toes, and we hung out for a few hours still waiting for the doctor. Our nurse was awesome and got everything ready for us to leave so we could head out as soon as the doctor gave us the OK.

Grandma brought the girls by to see their baby brother again. This time, Perry was all about him.

We were finally given orders to head home, and we couldn't get out of there quick enough.

When we got home, Isaac's cousin, Krista, texted us that she was with Great Grandma Espejo and asked if we wanted to FaceTime. It was perfect timing, and she got to see baby Isaac.

He spent the rest of the day napping in his Moba basket in between feedings.

Uncle Elijah and Ashley came by to meet the baby that evening.

We gave him a quick sponge bath, and he was not happy about it.

We had the best week ever! Isaac took next week off, and we're all excited to get some time at home together.

See ya next week!

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