It's the Great Pumpkin, Gracie Boo!

You can't have Halloween without carving pumpkins, so we bought some in Cedar City on our way home from the cabin. Jeni and Allison came over to do them with us, too. After we printed out our patterns, we got to work gutting them. This is always my favorite part.

Obviously, Isaac enjoys it too!

Once they were all ready to go, we used tacks to put the designs onto the pumpkins.

Grace decided to help Daddy when we started to carve them.

Then she waited patiently for us to finish,

 so we could help her carve hers.

She wanted to make an Elmo pumpkin.

The finished product.

All of our awesome pumpkins.

I can't wait to carve pumpkins again next year. I've already got my eye on a few patterns!!

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