This Week...

...Grace told me stories while Isaac drove us to dinner.

...she became fascinated with her feet and started grabbing them a lot.

...Grace started taking baths in her baby bathtub instead of the kitchen sink. She absolutely loved it!! Her feet can touch the bottom of the tub, so she likes to straighten her legs and bounce up and down, splashing water everywhere.

...she started taking extra long afternoon naps.

...Grace stood up all by herself!! Okay, she kind of used the couch to help her balance.

...we also learned that she likes to be held upside down.

...Isaac woke up with Grace on Saturday morning, so I could sleep in for a bit. When I woke up and came into the kitchen, this is what he had given her to play with:

...I took Grace shopping for some new clothes with my sister Allison. (I know you're saying, "Really?", like you're surprised.)

...Eddie's parents came in town, so we took Gracie over there to meet them! While we were there, she did some tummy time while Ed played with her.

...we went to a Halloween party and had a lot of fun with some of our closest friends!

Next week is Halloween! I can't wait for you all to see Gracie in her costume :)

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