Sav's Selebration

Friday night, Savannah (Zacarias' girlfriend) had a birthday "s"elebration. Since it's October, she had a costume party! The catch was that everyone's costume had to be something or someone that started with an "s". We decided to leave Grace with her Auntie Allison and go have some fun with our friends. We thought about costumes for a couple of weeks and kept changing our minds about what we wanted to be. Isaac went to the swap meet with Kasie to get some scary contacts for his Halloween costume and decided that he wanted to wear them to Sav's party and be Satan.

Yah, pretty scary!

I came up with the idea to be Spanish and say "hola, como estas" all night.

The mustache made it perfect!

We had a lot of fun playing flip cup, taking jello shots, and laughing with our friends. There were some pretty great costumes too!

Kasie (Savannah), Me (Santiago), Kelli (Sanchez), Cassidi (Slacker), and Frannie (Scuba Diver) dominated at flip cup.

Santiago and Serena Williams hung out.

Steve Gerfy got scared by Satan.

Savannah and I did our signature snap dance.

Santiago shanked a Sim.

The girls (and 2 Spanish guys) did jello shots.

Savannah and Santiago fell in love.

The Situation and Snooki hosted.

Happy Birthday Sav :)

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