Happy 2011

HaPpY nEw YeAr!!

This year, my resolutions are as follows:

1) Start cooking at home more.

I've got tons of delicious looking recipes in about 15 cookbooks in my kitchen. It's time to start using them. The goal - to be the kind of mom that can look in the fridge and make a yummy meal from whatever ingredients are sitting there.

2) Work out at least three times a week.

I know this is pretty much everyone's resolution, but I'm not talking about losing weight. I just want to work out, because it's something that Isaac and I used to do a lot together AND it always puts me in the best moods. If I do it a few times a week, I think I'll be more positive as well as a little healthier.

3) Save Money

Isaac and I don't make a ton of money, but we are definitely comfortable enough to buy a few things every now and then that we really want. We usually make a large purchase (like our new living room furniture last year) and make payments on it. Once it's paid off, we make another large purchase. This year we will have ALL of our debt paid off by March, and I'm hoping that we can avoid this pattern and try saving some money up.

4) Take a Vacation

We've been to San Diego and up to the cabin, but I want to take a real vacation this year.  Anywhere. Just somewhere to relax.

5) Charity

I'd also like to do more charity work this year. Isaac and I have been talking about making some traditions that involve helping others. We'd like to teach Grace about giving back. I've already signed up for Habitat for Humanity. Hopefully I'll get to participate in building a house or two!

Happy 2011!!

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