What've We Been Up To?

Since we've all been sick, I haven't found a lot of time to do my weekly blog updates.

Here is a peek inside what we've up to these past few weeks:

We got TONS of rain. 

We're talking four days straight, leaky windows, flooded roads, crazy, wet, rain!

Grace fell in love with one of those squishy balls and laughed harder than she has ever laughed before.

Unfortunately it took me a while to get the camera out, so you only catch the end of her laugh:

We let her ride in a shopping cart for the first time:

She had fun looking at everything and helping us hold onto some of the stuff we bought.

We took her to El Torito where she also got to sit in a restaurant high chair for the first time ever.

She played with Ralphie the Giraffe and sucked on his little antennas:

Grace finally got her first tooth (or should I say teeth):

We went ice skating with the family on Christmas Eve,

Celebrated Christmas...a few times,

Spent some time with Kasie for her 25th birthday,

And went to the cabin for New Years.

We celebrated Kelli's 24th birthday with a yummy dinner.

Grace took up singing in the car (ignore the video, I had to record it with my hand behind my back while driving so that you could hear her more clearly):

And last but not least, we discovered that Grace is just as ticklish as her daddy:

It's been a busy couple of weeks!!

Enjoy all of those links :)

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