I Broke the Record

Since our weather here in Vegas has been absolutely B-E-A-utiful, Grace and I have been playing outside a lot.

What is the record for the most pictures taken at one time?

I may have beaten it.

Grace was just being way too cute on Tuesday afternoon.

I couldn't help myself.


Ok, here we go...

We started off inside working on crawling:

Then we went outside with some of my her FaVoRiTe toys:

Grace laughed when her elephant starting singing 'You Are My Sunshine':

She found her doll (which she insists on carrying around by its arm):

She was born to smile:

The twisties on the blanket caught her attention:

She looked up at Mommy with her sweet baby face:

Her little hands tried to steal the camera:

She chomped on her stuffed carrot (look at those baby blues!):

We went back inside, and I got a great one of her bottom teefers:

Andddd there you have it.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure I broke the record (and I didn't even share them all).

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