This Week... mom and I started running every day.

We head over to O'Callahan park (see this previous post) and run around the track. we don't run the whole time.

Since neither of us has ever ran before (I mean NeVeR), we interval walking and running.

Our goal is to run four miles in about thirty minutes each day.

I'm hoping that by spring we'll be able to run the entire time.

...Grace played with her fruit basket (and chewed on her carrot...again).

...we got some candy hearts since Valentine's Day is right around the corner.

Grace sure has enjoyed them.

Sugar Lips

...Grace drank apple juice from her sippy cup.

...Isaac cooked breakfast while I went for a quick run on Saturday morning, and Grace helped.

...Daddy and Grace napped.

...she ate a sour straw.

Not really.

She just sucked on it for a bit.

...she learned to stand up.

(can't believe she is big enough to do this)

...she got some new jammies, because she grew out of her 12 month ones!

Yah, I know.

She's HUGE!

She's now in 12-18 month clothes.

All she needs is love (and cookies).

...Isaac and Jeremy went to hit some balls at the driving range, so Kasie, Grace, and I tagged along.

I seriously can't stop taking pictures of my kid.

My mission for this month is to blog about more than just her.

Even though she's sweet, cute, adorable, precious, perfect, and her cheeks taste just like sugar.

Ok, bye!

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