Pro Ice Skater

Every year, Lake Las Vegas sets up an ice skating rink over the lake for the holiday season.

I have never been before, so I was pretty scared.

You always hear stories about how you fall all over the place when you're ice skating.

My family decided to start a new tradition and go every year on Christmas Eve.

Since we were celebrating Christmas together on the 24th, Thursday was our Christmas Eve.

When we got there, we walked around and looked at the beautiful lights and decorations:

Jeni and Kailen (her new boyfriend that I ReAlLy like) came to meet up with us, and we went to eat at Luna Rossa:

Grace drank some water for the first time ever. I think she liked it!

After dinner, we rented ice skates and headed over to the rink:

I'm proud to say I didn't fall OnCe!!

I even took my mom around for a few spins. I was pretty much a PrO iCe SkAtEr:

I was even pulling Isaac around the rink:

We had SO much fun:

I can't wait to continue this tradition next year. Hopefully I can talk Isaac into going ice skating around some local rinks so I'll be even better!!

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