This Week...

...I caught Grace playing with her binky while hanging out in her swing.

...she got some sweet new shades from Grammy.

...we celebrated her half birthday!

...Grace texted her friends (she's getting pretty good).

...she tried carrots for the first time. She doesn't love them like she does sweet potatoes, but that didn't stop her from eating them and getting a little messy them eVeRyWheRe.

...we took Grace to Memphis Barbecue (if you've ever read our blog before, you know that it's our AbSolUtE fAv) where she begged Daddy for some sweet tea.

He gave in and let her have a taste.

That was just asking for it.  She was VERY kind of upset when he wouldn't let her try some chicken fingers.

...Pa took a break from work to stop by and play with Grace. He does this pretty much every day.

...Grace fell in love with my puppy blanky.  I've had it since I was a baby and still sleep with it every night.  I found her chewing/sucking on it when we woke up Sunday morning.

I wouldn't mind giving it to her if she ReAlLY wanted it, but I decided to buy her a new blanky (like she doesn't have enough) that she can call her own. It has pink and brown squares with sherpa on the other side. It's the softest thing I've ever felt. 

So far she loves it:

...we went to my mom's to bake goodies for our neighbors. My sisters, Isaac, Grace, Mom, and I spent AlL day baking tons of yummy treats including lemon bars, sugar cookies, peanut butter cookies, rice krispy treats, lemon blackberry sage thumbprints, gingerbread snap sandwiches, and my great grandma's cheese balls (which I'm enjoying right this moment).

Grace helped us decorate the sugar cookies:

We're all ready for Christmas next week!

I can't wait for it to get here :)

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