Grace's First Christmas

This Christmas, we knew we had to do things a little different because of Grace.

Usually we would stay the night at my mom's house on Christmas Eve, wake up and make a quick stop at my dad's, go to Isaac's dad's for homemade enchiladas for lunch, be to my grandma and poppa's by one, then head to Isaac's mom's all the way across town.

Having our own family now, we wanted to wake up at our own house Christmas morning.

Since driving to Isaac's mom's at night didn't sound like a good idea with a baby, we asked her to come stay over at our house so she could wake up with us Christmas morning.

It made Christmas day A LoT easier.

When Grace woke us up, we took her to see all of her presents:

Her favorite was her red wagon:

She opened one:

Played with this little car:

And then went back to bed.

While she was sleeping, the rest of us opened up our gifts.

Craig and Lisa:


Isaac and I haven't gotten each other gifts for the past four years, because we have so much family to buy for. This year we decided that no matter what, we were going to get each other something. We mostly got clothes that we picked out for ourselves and then had each other wrap and put under the tree. Somehow, though, we managed to surprise each other with a couple of things.

I got Isaac a waffle maker and some awesome shoes that he had been eyeing:

He ToTaLlY surprised me tons of cool, new OU gear. This sweatshirt if my new fav:

 After we opened all of our gifts, Isaac made pancakes from scratch for everyone:

And Lisa made homemade monkey bread:

Grace woke up while they were cooking.

Our wonderful neighbors, the Sebastians, got her ThEe most adorable outfit:

She could only wear it for the picture though, because it was a LiTtLe too small (dang was seriously too cute).

So we had to change her right back into her pjs.

Grandma played with her for a bit:

While Zacarias and I worked on putting her wagon together:

Then we all sat down to eat breakfast together.

Afterwards, Zac wheeled Grace around in her wagon while Isaac and I got ready to head to all of the other grandparents' houses.

Cheers to the best Christmas yet and may many more follow!!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!!!

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