Six Months...Seriously?!

It's hard to believe that Grace is already HaLf WaY to one!! 

She's grown up so much over the past few weeks. At her six month wellness check up, the doctor said that Grace is still in the 80-90th percentile for weight and height. 

She is now 19.75 lbs and 27 inches long.

She's becoming more independent by the day, and she loves to sit and play with her toys. 

She's tried sweet potatoes, carrots, apples, and pears.  

Next up = squash!

She can sit, stand while holding onto something, and roll over easily.

Grace thinks everything is SuPeR funny, and laughs constantly.

Her six month pictures are the cutest things EvEr!!

Since her half birthday just happened to fall near Christmas, we took the liberty of dressing her up in costume for her pictures.

Here she is being Santa's favorite reindeer:

Getting a candy cane from Santa:

That's some serious ChUb:

Sweet Cheeks:

Ok, we let her take some less Christmas-y pictures, too (LoVe how she spreads her little toes out):

Such a happy girl:

Checking out the chair:

We had to take a couple at home in front of our tree:

Isaac decided to get a little creative:

Gracie Santa Poo:

Isn't it sad?! She's growing up WaYy too fast!

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