My Favorites

Every other year, my mom and Rick have a Christmas party at their house for all of our family and friends. This year, I was especially excited for it because of two things:

1) Kelli's mom was in town, and I really wanted her to meet my mom.


2) I couldn't wait to show Grace off to everyone that hadn't met her yet!

We got all dressed up and headed over there to help set up. They pretty much had it all put together the day before, so there wasn't much to do.

Grace finally got to wear her little teddy bear dress (I bought it for her a couple of months back, and it finally fits her!!). It was absolutely adorable and definitely a big hit.

She had a pretty good time meeting everyone. One of the things I love most about her is her beautiful smile. She smiles at almost everyone she meets. She really is the sweetest baby ever.

It was really funny because at one point of the night, she got pretty tired. When someone she didn't know would try to hold her, she would just growl at them. I couldn't stop laughing. Eddie put her up on his shoulders and she just fell asleep sitting up there. It was pretty hilarious!

The night was really special because my best friends all got to come, too. Next to my family, these few people mean the most to me. They're pretty much family anyways. We share most of our time with them and have so many wonderful memories together. We have a bond that will last a lifetime. I can't wait for all of our kids to grow up together!! (Not that they have any yet...we're working on that.)

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