SUPER Sunday

This year, I wasn't very interested in the Super Bowl.

We were planning on going to a friend of my mom's to watch the game, but my mom decided that she was super busy with work and needed to stay home to get it all done.

The Cantor's invited us over to their house, and we were super excited to spend the day with them.

Isaac and I decided to make some super yummy appetizers to take over there.

You get the point, right?

We found this recipe for Stuffed Jalapenos, and called my mom for her stuffed mushroom recipe.

After getting the food ready to go, I put on my Brett Favre jersey and Grace put on her green and yellow hat.

Even though we aren't huge Packers fans, we decided to support them.

They were my favorite team when I was a little girl.

My dad got me this jersey when I was seven or eight along with some other Packers gear.

Another reason we cheered on the Pack is that I can't stand the Steelers.

I AM a Titans fan...

Remember this?

And this?

Definitely not a fan of the "black and yellow".

We did have a fun time over at the Cantor's though.

Grace played with Rex, their dog, and then kicked back to watch the game.

She practiced her dancing (which I finally caught on camera):

I tried getting her to nap during the game, but it wasn't happening.

She gets too excited when people are around.

The second the game was over, she passed out face down on the table.

We moved to the chair, so she would be a little more comfortable.

This is so sweet. I wish she would let me snuggle her like this ALL the time.

I'll take what I can get.

The Cantor's are a super fun family, and we couldn't have imagined a better place to watch the Super Bowl.

I'll leave you with this (warning: it contains foul language):

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