This Week...

...Grace can get on all fours and rock a little:

...Grandma Lisa came over to watch Gracie on Tuesday. They had fun playing and even went shopping together:

Shopping is one of Grace's favorite things to do. She loves getting out of the house and doing ANYTHING outside.

...we ate at Memphis Barbecue with my sister and her boyfriend:

...Grace got some new jammies:

Her 12 month ones were getting a little small. I don't even think she could fully extend her legs anymore. We had to buy some 18 month ones. So sad...

...Daddy got Rosetta Stone for his birthday, so he and Grace have started to learn Spanish:

...we continued to get cards in the mail for Isaac's birthday:

Thank you all!! He felt really special.

...Grace woke up Saturday morning with the cutest bed head. got warm enough for short sleeves:

We took Grace to the park for a picnic and to play on the swings. Last time she wasn't too sure about them, but this time she LoVeD them:

This is my favorite because you can see her little teeth:

We gave her a Cheeto, and she was disgusted with the mess it left on her hands:

...we also went to Bonnie Springs. More on that later.

Next week is Valentine's Day.

I can't wait to spend it with my hubby and Gracie bear <3

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