This Week...

...we celebrated our first Valentine's Day as a family.

...we baked up a ton of cookies at Grammy's. My mom watches Grace every morning while I work, so when I went to pick the little Monkey up on Monday, we baked and decorated cookies with Jeni and Kailen. I let her hold a small one, and she didn't seem interested in eating it. The next time I looked over at her it was half gone. Then she proceeded to spit out cookie crumbs in a steady stream for what seemed like five minutes straight.

...Grace and Daddy found a ladybug on the car:

It kept her entertained for quite a while.

...I stole Grace's binky, and she thought it was pretty funny:

...she played on the floor with her toys:

...she fell asleep in the car:

...she showed me her two top teeth that have come in:

...she learned to push her stroller and walk behind it (and was obviously very proud of herself):

...she napped on the couch with Daddy:

...she played at Aunt Geni's while we tried to get her to crawl. I swear she's AlmOsT there:

How did she do so much growing in one week? She's really becoming a little monkey rolling around everywhere and trying to climb on everything. She fell twice today and shoved a whole sugar packet into her mouth at a restaurant (don't worry...I noticed and quickly fished it out of her little puckered lips). Stop growing baby girl. Seriously though, at least for one week?

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