22 Months

It's hard to believe that Grace is just two months away from being two!

She's so big now and continues to grow and learn at such a fast pace.

I really think going to school two days a week has helped her to flourish even more.

She knows all kinds of songs, she's pretty good at her ABC's, and she makes lots of arts and crafts.

She sings songs to Isaac and I that we don't even know.

(This girl loves to sing and does so allll the time.)

Hew cutest new word this month is "shorpee". She takes after her mama and loves her some Slurpees.

We make sure to stop and get one every Tuesday and Thursday after school.

She hates wearing pants and can almost always be found running around the house in her t-shirt and panties.

Since I found out I was pregnant back in September, Grace has given up the binky, been weaned from breastfeeding, and is now sleeping in her own bed 75% of the time. She's also practically potty trained. We even let her wear regular panties to go out in public a few times and haven't had any accidents yet!

She learns new words every day and can easily tell us what she wants/needs now.

Grace knows all of the animal sounds and loves telling us about them.

She is now wearing 2T in everything and is a size six in shoes.

She weighs 26.5 pounds.

Little miss has also decided to test Mommy and Daddy all of the time. She gets this little smirk on her face when we ask her to do something that lets you know she is not ready to do it. Luckily, threatening spankings or time-outs has been working so far.

Grace is obsessed with Monsters, Inc. and alternates between that or Mary Poppins.

She loves macaroni and cheese, Raising Canes chicken fingers, and rolls with honey butter from Memphis Barbecue.

Grace loves to help us with anything and everything including scrubbing the floors, laundry, dishes, or doing yard work. She's such a sweet girl.

She has turned into the cutest little person with the biggest personality.

We have so much fun watching her grow every single day!

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