Last Week...

...we are thirty-five weeks pregnant:

We still aren't 100% set on a date for the Cesarean, but it should be right around the beginning of May. Baby Charley is pretty much completely developed (and the size of a honeydew melon!!) and should be packing on the pounds for her arrival. We are getting so anxious to hold her in our arms!

...Grace was finally able to reach the pedal in her Cadi. She doesn't know how to steer it yet though, so Daddy has to follow her around everywhere she goes to make sure she doesn't crash:

...big girl got all ready for school and waited patiently for Mommy to get ready to go:

...she helped Daddy with his Fantasy Baseball team since he's never played before:

...she finally started laying in her bed at school during nap time without her teacher tickling her back/arm/face. She gets in and goes right to sleep. I'm so proud of how well she's doing in school. She's even making new friends like Makenzie. Here they are on the video monitor just before nap time:

Sooo cute! girl passed out all snuggled up next to Mommy on the couch. This was after she took a two hour nap in bed, came in the living room and slept for another hour, and then sat next to me when she woke up. Kiddo must've been super tired:

...we've been working on potty training and Grace got a bowl of ice cream for going in the big potty:

...we dyed Easter eggs with Poppa and Gran.

...Grace devoured some mozzarella sticks at B-Dubs for lunch:

...she gave baby sister some big hugs:

See ya next week :)

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