Hopped Up on Candy

Easter morning at our house was really fun this year. Grace was actually able to understand that it was a special day although she still didn't quite get that some bunny was coming by to drop off a basket for her.

When she woke up, Grace found her Easter basket pail full of goodies:

She got two super cute Easter outfits from Gymboree, some colored bubbles, and her very own "everything a girl needs" kit including a blow dryer, curling iron, straightener, curlers, lipstick, brush, and perfume.

Grace loved the fake lipstick, and Daddy and I both got to put some on many times that morning.

Isaac gave Grace a bath so we could head over to Grammy and Grandpa's house for an Easter egg hunt.

While we got ready, Grace played with her Bunny Pez from Kasie and ate all the candy:

As soon as we got to Grammy's house, Grace was greeted with another Easter gift:

It was almost as tall as she was:

This time, she got another new Gymboree outfit (Charley got a matching one, too!), a new swim suit for summer and a monkey towel, a kite, a Smurfs book, an Aqua Pet, and a bubble gun:

Then, Grace went out in the backyard to hunt for eggs that the Easter Bunny left for her:

Once Grandpa showed her that there was candy inside, it was all over.

She was perfectly content to let Daddy find the rest of the eggs while her and Grandpa shared the goodies:

Once we finished up the egg hunt, we headed home for a much needed nap since we still had two more houses to go to.

After our nap, my Dad's house was up next.

When we got there, Grace got another Easter basket. This one was all about Elmo:

It had Elmo pouches (Grace's favorite!), candy, silly string, bubbles, and even the new Muppets movie. 

Grace was so cute looking through it all:

After she finished, we went out in the back yard to hang out for a bit.

Grace loved the "foushas" (flowers), and I taught her how to make a wish by blowing on a Dandelion:

She also had fun playing with Callie Kitty:


Last, but not least, we made our way to Grandma & Grandpa Espejo's house for Easter dinner.

We forgot to bring the camera in for this one, but we had a delicious meal with ham, corn, pasta, and all of the traditional sides.

It was so yummy!

Grace also got yet another Easter basket:

This one had eggs full of candy, more bubbles, and a cute little bunny that wiggles his nose and tail.

Grace was so hopped up on sugar that I didn't think she'd ever go to bed that night!

We didn't get to see Grandma Lisa on Easter, because she came down with a bad cold.

She made sure to bring Grace some Easter baskets on Monday morning though:

Grace got more bubbles, tons of stickers, stamps, a Hello Kitty purse with chap sticks inside, and a Dora painting book.

Just in case you lost count, that's SIX Easter baskets for one kid.

I think it's safe to say Grace had a verrrry Hoppy Easter!!

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