Last Week...

...Grace watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse with her Mickey and Minnie:

...she danced in the neighbor's Barbie jeep:

...she played keep the football away from Easton:

...she played in the dirt. This girl loves to play with buckets and shovels. Her next toy is definitely going to be a sandbox:

...Grace hung out in bed with Mommy and picked out movies for us to watch:

...she helped Grammy pack for the cabin by loading the ice chest up with ice:

...she played in the sand where Cash ripped up our synthetic turf. (This is her make-shift sandbox until we get it fixed later next week):

...she played with all of the spices at Kasie and Jeremy's house:

...Grace and Daddy played catch:

...we enjoyed a relaxing day by the pool.

...she continued her obsession with pouches. The first thing she asks for in the morning when she wakes up is Elmo. She pretty much survives on these things. I guess it's not so bad since it's just organic fruit and yogurt. I mean, it's better than Cheetos and ice cream, right?:

See ya next week :)

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