It's Basically Tradition

After Thanksgiving, we drove up to my family's cabin in Elkridge, Utah. The babies did great and slept the whole way there. Since we arrived pretty late, we went straight to bed to rest up for our fun filled weekend.

When we woke up the next morning, it was so beautiful outside. We're talking warm and sunny with crisp clean air. We couldn't resist heading out to play.

The past few years, we've taken our Christmas card photo at the cabin over Thanksgiving's basically tradition now:
After we got a few good shots, we took Grace and Charley down to the pond. Grace had fun skipping rocks with Daddy and making sister laugh. Charley showed off all FIVE of her big girl teeth:

After a while, we went back inside to wait patiently for Uncle Zac, Aunt Stefanie, and Baby Presley (or Pres-a-ley as Grace likes to call her) to arrive:

When they got there, they told us that some wild turkeys were out back. Of course we all ran out on the balcony to check it out. How fitting to have all of these turkeys roaming the yard on Thanksgiving weekend:

Presley and Charley seemed like they were ready for a nap, so they hung out in their sleepers:

 They were too excited to fall asleep, so Isaac grabbed Presley and got in some snuggle time:

Charley Bug just wanted to sleep in Mommy's arms:

That night, the Simmons (some of our favorite people ever!!) came over for dinner and Pictionary. We played boys versus girls, and Grace was the designated eraser. As per usual, the girls won:

Pictionary soon turned into pinball and pool downstairs:

Finally, the babies started getting a little sleepy:
(Cutest cousins holding hands!)

I did too, so Grace and I went upstairs to snuggle in bed:

A little later, after Daddy had come to bed, I woke up to feed Charley and saw him and Grace sleeping so sweetly. This girl sure loves her daddy:

The next morning, Presley napped on the couch:
Such a little cutie!

The boys played some corn hole while us girls went for a long ride:

It was so pretty. We went around some curves with cliffs on the side where all you could see were pine trees covering the mountain-side. I really wish I'd had my camera for this part.
When we got back a few hours later, we all showered and got settled in for the night:

Sunday morning, we played out back before we left. Grace spotted a reindeer that let her walk right up to it:
(Cutest boots ever. I really wish they had them in my size!)

Soon it was time to head down the mountain:

We stopped by Navajo Lake, which looked like it was already frozen over:

It was a little cold out there, so the girls couldn't have been more happy to get back in the car:

Grace smiled the whole way home:

Many thanks to my mom and Rick for such a wonderful weekend. We had so much fun and can't wait to go back soon!

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