Last Week...

Warning - this may be the longest weekly post of all time. Make sure you've got at least a few minutes, because we were super busy, and there are tons of videos to enjoy!

...Charley showed off her new big girl teeth:

(Lashes for dayssss)

...Daddy and Gracie played in Charley's baby gym with her:

...Tuesday morning at about 2am, Grace woke up puking all over the bed (it took me three loads of laundry to wash the sheets, comforter, blankets, and much fun!). Isaac and I started feeling sick soon after. We both took the day off and the whole family lounged around feeling miserable. We kept a bowl nearby in case Grace lost it again. Luckily, Isaac got better pretty quick and Charley never got it. I felt better and went back to work Wednesday, but got even sicker on Thursday. I took another day off, and the girls were in school, so I was able to get some much needed rest. Thankfully, we were all better by Friday. The flu is never fun, but it's even worse when the whole family gets it all at once. Grace was a trooper and watched movies in bed most of the time. Whenever she'd start feeling sick, she'd just stop whatever she was doing and fall asleep. Poor kiddo:

(The girls even took a two and a half hour nap together!!)
...Grace hung out in the backyard:

...Charley played on a blanket in the middle of the floor. This is her new favorite thing to do. She can now roll back and forth around the living room, sitting up from her back, and getting up on all fours. She's soooo close to crawling. (How is she so big already?!):
Side Note: I can't keep Grace in clothes to save my life This kid is always running around with no pants on!

...every night we give the girls a bath, Charley gets lotioned up and puts her jammies on while Grace plays in the tub. After she's ready for bed, it's Grace's turn. I got them the cutest matching footsie jammies. One night, Grace and Charley were sitting in bed, and Grace noticed that Charley's hand was half way stuck in her sleeve. She helped her get it out and then kissed her good night. It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. She's the best big sister ever:

...our amazing neighbors welcomed their third little boy, Jameson, into the world! Although this means that we will have THREE boys about the same age as our girls living directly across the street from us, we couldn't be more excited to welcome him to the neighborhood:
(How cute is he?!)

...Grace helped Mommy do laundry. She loves doing chores, especially laundry, dusting, and dishes:

...Isaac shot a video of Grace being Grace. (I was in the other room feeding Charley). It's a little long, but it's pretty funny:

...Grace discovered a new kitty on the iPad. This app may find itself deleted pretty soon:

...she and Daddy watched TV in bed:

...Daddy stopped by the store after work the day I was home sick to get me some 7Up and orange sherbert. Grace got to push her own "customer in training" cart:

...Charley played some more:

...Grace became obsessed with Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and watched it in her cute grey boots:

...we went to dinner and the tree lighting at the District with the Sebastians. The kids loved the tree. They had some cute characters in front of it, and Noah loved them, but Grace and Easton were a little terrified:

After the tree ceremony, they went on a hot cocoa date:
Unfortunately, the coffee shop had a line break, so we got coupons for free drinks the next time we head over there.

...Charley slept on my chest for a while when we got home from the District. I find myself having a harder and harder time putting her down in her sleeper as she gets older. I just know that I don't have too much longer before she's over the whole cuddling with mom stage:

...Grace woke up and did Minnie Mouse puzzles with her bed head:

...she had tons of fun in the bath tub with her Dora foam soap:

...Isaac got a new workout bench, and the kids had a blast wrestling playing in the bubble wrap:

...Kasie and Jeremy came over for a delicious dinner (try the recipe here):

...I hung out in bed with my girls Sunday morning:

...Charley tried really hard to crawl:

...after a super long, busy week, the girls both fell asleep early Sunday night:

I told you this was a long one...see ya next week!

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