Last Week...

...we had our second four day weekend in a row, so Monday, we went to breakfast at our favorite spot, Rachel's Kitchen:

...we did a little shopping at Babies R Us:

...we took the girls to Build-a-Bear where they each picked out their own stuffed animal and had so much fun filling them with stuffing and fluffing their fur. Charley got a white teddy bear that lights up all different colors while Grace got a penguin. She used to be obsessed with monkies (seriously obsessed...I recently donated about fifteen stuffed monkies to Goodwill), but has recently taken a liking to penguins and wants them on everything:

...we celebrated New Year's Eve at Matt and Frannie's.

...I took down my Christmas cards. I started a tradition a few years ago where I hang them on this archway near the front door. I love displaying them and seeing pictures of all of our friends and family every day (if yours isn't up there, it's because these are the ones we received first and I ran out of room). It makes me sad to take them down:

...I snuggled in bed with both of my girls at nap time:

...we watched movies together in bed that night:

...Charley got a new blanky, and she really likes it:

...she also tried whole, green apples for the first time:

...Daddy was eating ice cream when she decided to go in for a bite of her own:

...Charley slept in her crib at night (for a little while...kid is in love with her sleeper!):

...Grace face played peek-a-boo through Mommy and Daddy's hands:

...we decided to go grab dinner with Auntie Elisha at the last minute, so Grace got to wear her PJs:

...Charley napped for two-and-a-half hours in her crib (apparently she is a jazz fan...she loves the smooth jazz channel on DirecTV) while we played outside and took down our Christmas lights. When she woke up, she came out to play, too:

...Grace played with Noah and Easton and finally learned how to steer her Escalade. She worked at it for a while last summer, but hadn't driven in months, so I was surprised:

...Charley played in her Minnie Bow Playland from Noah and Easton and went crazy over all of the balls:

...we watched the Rebels run from our box seats at the Thomas and Mack with Kasie and Jeremy. I made Gracie this awesome hoodie to wear to the game:

She had the time of her life and now constantly tells me that "we no yike the boo (blue) team. BOOOO! Ony we yike the wed team. Go webels! Webbbellllls! Webbbellllls!"

Charley even got into it:

Grace got really interested once I showed her how to watch for the ball to go in the basket, so we can get points:

Then Daddy got her some popcorn:

We had such a blast! I can't wait to take them to their next Rebel game (FUNR!).

...Grace practiced doing her own hair:
See ya next week!
P.S. This is post #405 on the ol' blog. Whoo hoo!

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