Last Week...

...Grace was still sick. (Last week, I told you all about her coming down with something.) When Grandma Lisa showed up to watch her on Monday, there was no way Grace was letting me leave. She felt terrible, was whining and crying, and only wanted Mommy to hold her. Of course I obliged. I gave her some Motrin to help with the fever, and in about an hour she was dancing around and coloring. I decided this was a good time to go. Around two o'clock, Lisa called to let me know that Grace had been crying for about and hour and only wanted Mommy. I buttoned up a few things and headed home to take care of my baby.

I called Dr. Vu's office, and luckily, he was able to see her that afternoon. Aunt Geni came over to stay with Charley, and I took Grace to the doctor. A nurse saw us first, mentioning that Grace may have the flu and RSV. She said Dr. Vu would come take a swab test and let me know. When the doctor came in, he checked her out and said that her little cough had settled in her lungs. He prescribed a cough suppressant and decongestant. Then he said her left ear was a little red, "but it's not screaming at you". For this, he prescribed an antibiotic. He said not to worry and that she'd be all better by Thursday.

For being such a good girl, Dr. Vu gave Gracie two blue suckers since that's her favorite color. She was happy to eat them, but just look how pitiful she looks trying to crack a smile:
Poor wittle sick girl!

Tuesday, she went to my mom's house, because I didn't think she'd be able to handle school. She slept and cuddled most of the day. Wednesday, she went to my mom's house again, and seemed a little better. That night was the roughest. She cried for twenty to thirty minutes straight (she's NEVER done this before), and kept saying, "Mommy hold you" over and over despite the fact that I was holding her. She was shaking and crying hysterically. Finally, I put on her most recent favorite movie, Bolt, and started asking her questions about it like, "what is he doing?", "why is Bolt running away?" She started paying attention to the movie and slowly came out of her fit. It was very strange. I'm thinking maybe she had her first migraine (they say they're hereditary and my mother, sister, and I all suffer from them) or maybe her ear was aching badly? Either way, I was glad that was over.

Thursday she was fine at school, but was especially mean to Charley when she came home. She wouldn't let her play with any of their toys and kept yelling at her. I guess I can understand not wanting to be bothered when you're not feeling too well. Friday came, and Grace was totally back to normal. She laughed, danced, sang, ran, and played. I was so thankful to have my spunky, sassy little munchkin back. She's still coughing ever so slightly, but after one of my toughest weeks as a mom of two, we're calling her cured!

Anyways...back to more normal weekly activities:

...I ordered the girls new swimsuits way too early in anticipation of the upcoming summer months:

...Grace played with her baby doll, Leila, and swaddled her for bed:

...I took pictures of my angel babies sleeping (as per's kind of becoming an obsession, but they're so adorably cute when they sleep!):

...we went to Claim Jumper for dinner where Charley munched on some chips:

...she practiced walking around the furniture some more:

...Grace started to feel better, and ate some pouches in bed:

...she wouldn't sleep with blankies while she had a fever. Her cheeks would turn so red and get shinier as her fever got higher:

...Grace was finally all better, so we met up with Matt and Frannie for dinner and drinks at California Pizza Kitchen on Friday. After dinner, Isaac spotted some large ice sculptures and showed Grace. She was amazed by them:
Even though it was rainy, Grace insisted on wearing flip flops.

...Charley slept in her sleeper:

...we went to Marie Callendars for breakfast, and Grace had to bring Bolt (duh):

...Hip Hop Hooray came on the radio, and by the end of the song, Grace was getting down:

...we went to the mall, and Charley and I played around after I fed her:

...we met up with Kasie and Jeremy for lunch at Jason's Deli and then headed across the street to go bowling and have a couple beers.

Charley watched/napped:

Grace did so good and even carried the ball by herself:

...after bowling, we grabbed some pizza from Rosati's and headed back to our house. Zac, Stef, and Presley came over, and we played Just Dance and loved on the babies:

Presley: 3 Months, Charley: 9 Months

This one cracks me up...looks just like a little Zacarias and Isaac.

...Grace and Charley played in the bedroom the next morning. Charley got into the movies, and Grace played with her puppies (her favorite thing everrrr). Grace even shared them with sister:


...we headed out to breakfast, and Charley wore her favorite boots: the car, I heard Grace shout, "Chawdgey, hold my hand". I turned around to see this cuteness:
...Daddy stopped for doughnuts and just like him, his little girl coudln't wait until we got home to eat one:
...I had to work on Sunday, but at least it was from home. Grace even helped me:
...a little later, she found a walkie talkie in our yard (maybe Noah and Easton's?) and tried calling Noah on it for the rest of the night:
That's all for now.
See ya next week :)

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