Last Week...

...we had dinner with Grandma Crnkovich before she headed back to Nebraska:

...Grace got a new Minnie Mouse robe and insisted on blow drying her own hair after her bath:

...Grace practiced tracing the letter 'g' (her favorite letter), while I put Charley to bed:

...Charley got to run around with no diaper on to help out with the diaper rash we talked about last week:

...Grace continued to get better at swim lessons. Lately, she's been the only one in her class, so it's like a one-on-one session (which is like 3.5 times the price of a full class, so that's awesome!):

...Grace face got a slight fever Tuesday night which caused her little cheeks to turn bright red. She couldn't stop coughing, so I made her sleep sitting up. It actually helped a lot:

...the other little stink continued sleeping in her sleeper:

She then moved on to Mommy's bed after her midnight (more like eleven, one-thirty, and four o'clock) snack:

...the next day, Grace's fever was gone, so she made fairy cupcakes with Grammy: babes took turns snuggling with Mommy:

...Grace started sticking her tushy out when I asked to take her picture. I asked where she learned this, and she excitedly replied, "Uncle Zac!" (You just wait until Presley gets bigger, uncle.):

...although Grace's fever was gone, she still didn't feel too great, so she did a lot of sleeping this week. There were three nights in a row that my whole family was asleep by 8:15. I didn't know what to do with I caught up on the blog and my TV shows:

...Saturday, Grace was feeling much better. She watched Bolt in bed with Bolt. Daddy went to the gym early, so he brought Mommy home some Starbucks. Once Grace saw it, she had to have some hot chocolate:

...she got some fun, new window markers:

...we had some friends over to watch the UFC fights and have dinner. Everyone brought a dish. We had balsamic chicken, steak, salad, corn on the cob, green beans, and brownies. It was so delicious!

After dinner, Noah took Frannie's "air pressure":

The kids had fun playing with all of Grace and Charley's new toys they got for Christmas:

After the fights, Noah and Grace danced Gangnam Style:

Then they played in the Minnie Playland where Grace's hair got crazy staticky:

I love nights where we get to hang out at home and have such a fun time with all of  our friends, too. They're the best!

...Charley practiced moving around the living room:

...then she practiced saying "baby"...kind of. Sounds pretty close, right?:

...we did some a little shopping (surprised?). Charley had lunch, and then played with Daddy in the car:

All of a sudden, Grace felt super sick. She was fine just a few minutes before. It was like she got hit by a freight train. The kid was burning up, couldn't stop coughing, and just wanted to sleep:

We had one more stop to make. Daddy ran into Lowe's while we waited in the car, so Grace could sleep. Charley, on the other hand, was ready to get out of the car and play:

When we got home, Grace continued to sleep. When she woke up, all she wanted was Captain Crunch Berries. I gave her some, and she fell right back to sleep with the cup in her hand:

...Charley got so excited when she saw me get out her favorite book, If I Were a Hippo:

...poor Grace slept through Sunday night and into Monday morning. We really worried about her, because her fever got pretty high. I didn't take her temperature, but she was on fire. Even the palms of her hands were burning up. This kid is known for running hot. When she was a baby, the sheets would get a wet circle around her head, because she'd sweat so bad. She's even had over a 104 fever before that barely fazed her. It's actually kind of scary sometimes. She always feels really warm when she sleeps, but this was a whole other level of heat. She did wake up once during the night to ask for water. She cried saying she couldn't open her eyes, so we put a cool compress on her forehead and gave her some Tylenol. I felt so bad for her. I knew that Monday I'd be calling her doctor to see if we could get her in or making a trip to Pediatric Urgent Care (stay tuned).

See ya next week!

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