Last Week...

...Grace and Charley played with make-up that Santa brought for Christmas:

They also played with Grace's doctor kit from Grandpa and Grandma Espejo. Grace likes to tell me, "you're sick and I'm a doctor, ok?":

Once they were bored with those toys (they move fast), it was time to take a ride on the Minnie Mobile that Grandma Lisa got them:

...Charley got really good at eating yogurt melts. They're probably her favorite snack:

Thanks for the help, sister!

..I was looking back at old blog posts about Grace at Charley's age and saw that she was standing and pulling herself up on the furniture already. I set Charley in front of the ottoman to see what she could do, and she grabbed it and stood right up with ease. A few days later, I got her on video. She's even learning to walk along the side now: babies slept. They do this every night, and yet, I feel the need to take pictures of how sweet and angelic they look every night:

...Charley ate puffs when we went to a family dinner at Ventano. These are her second favorite snack:

...I asked Grace if I could take a picture of her, and this is what I got:

...Grace read Abigail to Isaac and I before bed. If either of us stopped paying attention, we got a lecture from her:

...Isaac's Grandma Crnkovich came into town to visit for a few days, so we met her for lunch at Panera:

...Daddy played with the girls after work and helped Grace work on her colors:

Then, they moved on to playdough. I joined in, and we made a crazy guy, an elephant, a bear, and a lion:

...Charley played around and walked along the ottoman by the big chair:

Vampire face.

...Saturday was Grandma Lisa's birthday. Since her favorite team, the Broncos, had a playoff game that day, she wanted us all to go to Buffalo Wild Wings to watch it. We got the girls ready and headed for that side of town. Grace fell asleep and her headband fell over her eyes. It didn't seem to bother her one bit:

Grace and Grandma shared some birthday cake:

After the game, we went back to Grandpa and Grandma Whiting's to hang out. All three of the girls loved having two grandmas around to love on them:

...when we got home, Charley played in her bunny slippers. I'm not too sure if she liked them:

...Charley got her eighth tooth. She had gotten seven previously without a peep. Like, they didn't even phase her at all. This eighth tooth was a real pain in the tush. Literally. I changed her diaper one morning and noticed that her bottom was a little red. The next change was way worse. The third one had blisters. By her fourth change of the day, the blisters had disappeared and were replaced by these little yellow patches where her skin was missing. This poor girl would shake and scream whenever you looked at her diaper. I called her doctor, and he suggested I try Triple Paste. Let me tell you folks, if your kid ever has a diaper rash, USE THIS! We gave her a bath, put her in a diaper with some Triple Paste smoothed on there, and I kid you not, her diaper rash was 90% gone when she woke up in the morning. It was amazing. I'm happy to say that her eighth tooth is in, and baby girl (and her bum) is totally back to normal now.

...we went to Jason's Deli for lunch (I'm's SOO good) and Charley got her own juice box:

...Grace has been painting at school at talks about it a lot. I decided it'd be fun to let her paint at home. We got a large foam board, painter's tape, and glittery finger paints from Michael's. It was only about $10 for all of it. I spelled her name in painter's tape on the board and let her go to town. She had a blast! I took the tape off before the paint dried, because I didn't want the edges of the paint to pull off with it. It turned out so cute. She also got hearts to paint for Isaac and I to display in our offices:

See ya next week!

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