Last Week...

...we got some rain/snow and much cooler temperatures: babies were the cutest little sleepers in their own beds. They're both doing so well sleeping by themselves lately (though their beds are still in my room):

...Charley's lashes killll me. I'm so jealous of them. Her doctor even asked me if I curled them before her last appointment:

...Charley snuggled with Mommy after her first feeding of the night:

...we watched the Rebels put a smack down on UNR:

It was totally a packed house:

We even ran into Poppa and Gran:

Charley got a little tired towards the end and napped on Daddy's lap:

...the girls played together in the front room. I really LOVE watching them play with one another. Totally melts my heart:

...Grace fell asleep in the car with her sunglasses from Grammy on her face:

...we had dinner at Johnny Mac's and Charley played her favorite game. We call it "Hey Ma, Pick This Up!":

...she also chomped on some celery:

...Grace shook her stuff to Scream and Shout (her most recent favorite song):

...Charley hung out and watched TV with Mommy:
(Looooove baby feet)

...Grace goofed around before bed:

...we celebrated Craig's fiftieth birthday at Buca Di Beppo's on Friday night.

...Grace face slept in on Saturday:

...Charley played with all of Grace's puppies and showed off some of those big girl teeth with a goofy grin:

...Grace wore her sunglasses on the way to breakfast:

...we ate at one of our favorite breakfast spots, The Coffee Cup in Boulder City:

...Grace had a blast running and jumping into Daddy's arms over and over again at the mall:

...she was very excited about her lunch from Hot Dog on a Stick:

...Daddy and Charley napped together:

...we spent Saturday night celebrating Isaac's birthday with friends and family, which means we spent Sunday recovering and relaxing. I'll post pictures from the night soon!

See ya next week!!

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