Run Plus Fun

The weather has been so beautiful this past week, so we've been playing outside with our favorite neighbors quite a bit.
Shelly and I were talking about taking the kiddos to Run Plus Fun on Saturday because neither of us had ever been.
We decided to meet up Saturday morning around ten, and Grace was so excited.
We got there a little early, and she had a blast checking the place out. She made Isaac, Charley, and I follow her around for a bit.
LOVE her new floral jeggings. She picked them out herself! My little fashionista.
The thing I liked most about this place was that it was totally built for smaller kids. Grace could run like crazy, and Charley could even get in on the action.
She sat on one of the higher levels with Daddy and loved watching her sister playing down below. Then she got to come play, too.
Grace's favorite part was the ball pit. They had a slide that led right into it, and she played basketball and "got points like the webbos"!
I took both of the girls down the slide for their first attempts. It was too big and scary for Grace to go alone at first.
After a few minutes, the Sebastians arrived. After Noah and Easton were there with her, Grace didn't need Mommy and Daddy to follow her around anymore. We still played though, because we were having just as much fun as the girls.
She even went down the big slides all by herself.
Easton was a pro and wasn't even scared of the slide at all. He went over and over again.
They had an area for crawlers with little toys, a caterpillar to crawl through, and a smaller ball pit. Isaac took Charley over there to play for a bit while the bigger kids ran through the play area.
Of course, the bigger kids had to come check out this area, too. Especially once they realized that all of us grown ups were "playing" over there.
Even little Jameson got to play. He and Charley had fun laughing at each other.
Isn't he the most adorable little thing?!
Grace had so much fun playing with her favorite buddies. We will definitely being heading back here soon! I think we may even have Gracie's birthday party there in June.
They're the cutest!!
We just love our neighbors. They are so much fun, and we always have a blast with them. We're so lucky to live in such a great neighborhood with such amazing people all around us. The best part is that the kids just love each other. I can't wait to see how they are as they get older.
Noah is Grace's favorite person ever, and they already tell us that they're getting married. She asks about Easton all the time, and she fights with him like he's her brother. Those two are only two weeks apart in age. Charley and Jameson are the little cuties that don't demand too much attention just yet. It's going to be fun watching these guys all grow up together!

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