Work Hard, Play Hard

This past Saturday, Isaac and I had a few errands to run.

One of them was stopping by Avellino Park:

This park is in the middle of a few newer subdivisions in Las Vegas off of St. Rose Parkway.

We do a lot of landscape work for Ryland Homes, so they sent Isaac plans for this new park they wanted to build.

He spent months and months going back and forth with developers and project managers to get this thing just right. He bid every aspect and subcontracted any work that Sunstate Companies wasn't able to do ourselves.

Side Note: Just in case you didn't know, our family owns and operates Sunstate Companies, Inc. We offer landscape, monthly maintenance, concrete, tree care, concrete, masonry, pavers, fertilization treatments, ornamental iron, and just about anything else you can think of that might make your home more appealing from a exterior design point of view. 
{Shameless plug.}

After a few more months in the construction phase, the park is finally complete.

The grand opening was Saturday, so Isaac and I wanted to check out the final project. It's so rewarding to see a project go from plans to reality before your eyes.

It turned out so nice. There are two playgrounds that are more fun than most others we've been to, and since it sits on the fluffiest synthetic turf I've ever seen (Seriously...I asked Isaac if we could replace ours with this brand.), the kiddos could climb, crawl, and run all over the place:

There is also a huge grass field that is surrounded by a walking path. All around the path are eight stations with minor work outs to help people stay fit:
The are even three or four different basketball courts (these were done by Sport cool!):
We ended up playing for an hour and a half, which is a really long time to spend playing at a park with two little kiddos.

We started off pushing both girls on the swings. It was a little breezy, so I didn't think we'd stay too much longer than this:

After the swings, Grace wanted to check out the slides. She quickly started climbing all over the playground, and Charley wanted to follow so badly:

They finally made their way to the slides and couldn't get enough. Charley even went down the big ones by herself, and they both loved trying to climb back up:

All of the sudden, Grace noticed the second playground. She ran over there and found a bell to ring:

They found a big, blue, twisty slide, and after Grace went down, she insisted on catching Charley all by herself:

Charley loved waiting at the bottom and watching sister come down:

Once we were all played out, Grace and Daddy took off towards the field, raced, and wrestled with each other:

Then, Daddy showed her how to use the workout posts:

The girls had so much fun, and Isaac and I loved it as well. We'll definitely be heading back there soon.

So proud of the hubman for all of his hard work!!

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