Long Islands and Ice Cream Cake

For some reason, when Isaac's birthday rolls around each year, we decide it would be a great idea to go all out.
All of our friends get excited, we pick a place, and sitters are put on notice weeks in advance.

This year, Kasie and Jeremy got us tickets to go see Zumanity the Saturday before Isaac's birthday. Grandma Espejo came over to watch the babies, so we could have a night out.
The show was awesome, amazing, suprisingly funny, and we had a great time. We couldn't wait to meet up with our friends afterwards.
Isaac decided that it'd be fun to head to our old stomping grounds, Toby Keith Bar in Harrahs.

(Love these girls!!)
(No idea why Isaac has his shirt off in a bar...)
You know the night is going to end well when Isaac orders a Long Island in a large mason jar for his first drink.
We danced, hung out around the bar, and chatted away. It was so much fun, and with Nia and Suzie showing up, it totally felt like old times.
(We always find the creepers.)
(Oh, hi Hitt!)
We did a little more dancing and got some free drinks from the bartender.
Once we had our fill of Toby Keith, some of us made our way down to the Piano Bar. We sang and laughed, and Isaac got the royal birthday treatment. Everyone sang Happy Birthday as he sat atop the pianos.

(I'm pretty sure no one told him to go up there...he took it upon himself when they started singing.)
In true Isaac fashion, he drank too much, turned into the Hulk, and it was time to leave.
Although the end of the night wasn't ideal, we had so much fun hanging out with adults and acting like we didn't have any responsibilities.
We headed home (thanks for driving, Jeremy!), and snuggled up in bed with our babies, and all was right with the world again.
Since Tuesday was Isaac's actual birthday, I surprised him with an ice cream cake. I made sure to arrive home before he did, hid it in the freezer, and told Grace that it was a secret.
The second Isaac walked in the door, she proudly told Daddy, "We hafta sing your birthday and eat cake!"
I'm so lucky to have such a wonderful husband. He works hard to make sure we have everything we could ever want/need, and still takes the time to roll on the floor and play with his girls, have tea parties, and watch Tinkerbell one hundred times in a row. They both love him dearly, and it melts me to pieces when Grace runs towards him to jump into his giant hugs or Charley crawls to him excitedly and lights up with goofy smiles when he looks her way. He truly is an amazing Daddy and husband, and for that, I am so thankful.
We love you, babe!
Happy 27th Birthday!!

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