Celebrate Good Times

To celebrate Grace's third birthday, we decided to have a pool party at my mom's since Grace loves to swim in the pool. This may be a tradition that happens every year since her birthday is in the middle of June.

Isaac's mom always works on Saturdays, and since it's her busiest day, she usually can't make it to the parties.

Grace's birthday fell on a Friday this year, and the circus just happened to be in town.

Grandpa Craig and Grandma Lisa (Grace has recently been calling her Grandma Sunshine, because Lisa calls Grace sunshine and they always sing You Are My Sunshine together) took the four of us out to dinner and then to the circus to celebrate.

We decided on Macayo's for dinner because: A) It's delicious! and B) It's right next to the T&M, where the circus was being held.

Grandma brought presents for Grace to open at dinner. She saw a little box from Grandma Crnkovich and said, "I think it's new earrings. I love itttt!" She's so funny. She also got a new cheerleading shirt and the Aristocats movie. Aunt Susie and Uncle Mike sent her the coolest Cinderella castle that has become her new favorite thing to play with:

Before we left, they sang Happy Birthday to Grace, who was uncharacteristically shy:

Next up was the circus. We got there a little early, so we walked around to check out all of the booths. Grace wanted a white tiger, and both girls got the cutest matching tiger ears that lit up:

The Greatest Show on Earth started, and both girls were fascinated! They loved seeing all of the animals do tricks. Charley's bed time is between 7-7:30, so she only made it half way before passing out in Daddy's arms.

We had so much fun! Thanks for taking us Grandpa & Grandma Whiting!!
The next morning was Grace's birthday party. Since we were having a pool party (and Grace is now obsessed with princesses) she wanted Ariel decorations. We got a few things to throw together, and my sister made a cute little cake the night before. I was going to just do cupcakes, but she insisted, and it turned out so cute for being a last minute project.
As soon as the kids started arriving, Grace was ready to hop in the pool. They had fun splashing around and floating in the water.
The grown ups took a little longer to get in and hung out in the shade for a while.
Soon the kids were ready to eat, and of course, Grace had to share a plate with Noah.
After lunch, Grace was ready to open her presents. She demanded that Noah sit right by her, and sweet Kennedy helped her open them all.

Grace has this crazy thing (that Kasie taught her when she was tiny) where she has to say cheers whenever she drinks or eats anything. After opening her presents, they had to say "cheers" with their suckers.
Grace blew kisses to everyone to thank them for all of her fun, new toys and clothes.
Bethany got in some snuggles and kisses with Charley before she passed out.
After being out of the pool for a while, it was getting hot, so we all got back in and even got a good game of volleyball going.
When things started winding down, we remembered that we hadn't sang to Grace yet.
This time, she was all about the attention and even blew her candle out.

After the cake, we cleaned up and headed home. We were all in bed by six and slept through until the next morning. Partying that hard (especially out in the sun) is exhausting.
Thanks to everyone that had a part in making Grace's third birthday so special. She is a lucky girl to have so many people who care about her.
(I still can't believe my baby is THREE!)

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