{FIFTY} Jack Daniels Style

This year, my stepdad turned FIFTY.

This is a pretty big deal, because he always said he'd never make it this far (thankfully, he did!).

A couple of years ago, our family took a trip to Nashville. We all fell in love with Jack Daniels, because the distillery was insanely gorgeous, and it was so interesting to watch and learn all about the process of making whiskey.

It was during that trip that it was decided that Rick's fiftieth birthday party would have a Jack Daniels theme.

Mom went all out finding anything and everything she could that was related to Jack Daniels or the colors black and white.

Freeds Bakery made the coolest cake themed like a barrel of whiskey.

Mom hired the best barbecue caterers ever from Cedar City, Utah, we got an amazing local band called The Garage Boys, and all of Rick's favorite people gathered together to celebrate.

Grace was really excited, because there were watermelon coconut slurpees.

The best part? My sisters flew in from Ohio, and for a couple of days, we were all together again! 
(Geni even had baby Chase a couple of days before the party, so we ALL got to be together.)

As the sun set, we hung out in the scorching heat and sipped on some delicious drinks while listening to the band play some classic rock and country music.


The guys smoked the most delicious brisket, chicken, and pulled pork I've ever had (and I'm a huge barbecue fan). Everyone lined up as soon as it was ready, and we all raved over the meat and yummy potatoes.

After dinner, the real fun started. Grace made a new friend named Olivia, and they danced their little hearts out while the grown-ups had fun in the bar.
Charley was ready for bed pretty early, so we went inside where she passed out for the rest of the night.
Once she was down for the count, I took Grace into her playhouse to watch A Bug's Life in hopes that she'd pass out, too. Instead, it turned into a party with Olivia where they danced and drank Cokes until well after midnight.
At about one o'clock, they came inside and laid on the couch with me until it was time to go. Grace was so sad to see Olivia leave, but we assured her that there were play dates in their future. They were so cute all night and had so much fun together.
I didn't get many more pictures of the actual partying, because we were just having too much fun!
It was a great party and the perfect way to celebrate fifty years.
Happy Birthday, Rick!
Here's to another fifty!!

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