Grace face turned THREE this week!

We did a twenty question interview to remember her favorite things as a three-year-old.
(It was filmed pants-less in typical Grace fashion...the kid hates clothes!)

I still can't believe it has been three years since the day we first met this kid.. She is so smart and funny, and she's just growing up way too fast.

She is 36.5 inches tall and weighs 35 pounds.

Big girl is wearing size 3 in everything, but it is either shrinking a lot when I wash it, or she is getting bigger and can actually wear a size 4 now. She can officialy wear the cute clothes from the 'Girls' section at Gap instead of just the 'Toddler' section. (Say whattttt??)

She is currently wearing a size eight in shoes.

Grace is still in love with puppies and Noah - her two favorite things in the world.

She has recently started to like Barbies, loves playing with baby dolls, and pretends to be poor Charley's mom alllll the time.

She has always been a huge fan of movies, but now she likes princesses, too. She knows them all and wants everything she sees that has a princess on it. Her favorite it Rapunzel, but she's really in love with Flynn Rider (Rapunzel's prince).

Grace's favorite movies recently are Bolt, Brave, Tangled, Monster's Inc., and Ratatouille. We spend a lot of time watching all of these, and because Grace can ask for what she wants (and Charley cannot), Charley has learned to love these movies as well. They have both been great at the movie theater, so we try to go whenever a new one comes out. We're so excited for Monster University, Despicable Me 2, Turbo, The Smurfs 2, Planes, and especially The Little Mermaid which is being re-released this fall. We'll definitely be spending lots of time at the movies this summer!

She loves playing with friends and interacting with other kids, especially all of our neighbors. Noah is her bestie, and she has even been getting along with Easton lately (usually they fight like brother and sister).

Gracie is such a smarty pants, too. She can spot her name in writing, knows how to trace it, and can write the letter 'G' very well on her own. She knows how to count to 20 easily and can also do it in Spanish. She knows all of her shapes and colors, and is learning all of the letters and numbers in school. She also uses big words like "actually" the proper way. Sometimes she says things that just amaze me.

I'm pretty sure she can swim. At least she was able to in swim class. Whenever we go to the pool, she just likes to stay in the shallow end. We stopped swim lessons, because they moved her up to a different class that taught back floats, and pushing off the wall. I'm not really interested in her being a swimmer, so we called it good with just knowing how to survive in the water.

She starts gymnastics next month, and I can't wait to see her little tushy in action! She sure has the body for it: short, stalky, and strong. I've been saying since she was a little too active in my belly that she'd win me a gold medal some day.

When your child is born, you instantly have this love that you never knew existed for this tiny little stranger. As the baby grows, and you watch them learn, and they also teach you, that love grows more and more. They develop this little personality and become a little person that you love so unconditionally it's scary. It's crazy to think that as much as I loved Grace the first day I met her, that it would ever be possible to love her any more than that. But that's exactly what has happened.

This little girl is my best friend, and I want to follow her around and protect her from everything that I possibly can forever. Since she needs to learn to be independent, though, I try my best to sit back and let her learn the consequences of her own actions.

Three years have passed so quickly, and my little ball of squish has turned into my pretty little Grace face:

Happy Third Birthday, Gracie! I love youuuu <3

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