Last Week...

...the girls and I stopped by the grocery store, and Grace demanded "the cart with the wheels, so me and Charley can drive ourselves":
...we watched movies in bed:
...Grace worked on her splits at gymnastics:
...Zacarias, Stef, and Presley came over for taco night, and the cousins had fun playing together:
...Daddy snuck a picture of Char and I sleeping. He told Grace to pretend she was asleep, too, but she couldn't take her eyes off Brave:

...I got my nails done again. (I totally wouldn't share this every single time, but they're just so darn cute that I can't help it):

 ...I snuck a picture of Daddy and Charley sleeping like each other in the middle of the night:
...we woke up Thursday morning to toilet paper in our front yard. Luckily, it wasn't a lot. We had our suspicions about our neighbors, but then we noticed quite a few random houses were also decorated with T.P. throughout our neighborhood. I must say that whoever did this gave poor effort. My kids will be way better at toilet papering houses:
...we met Kasie and Jeremy for a delicious dinner at Annie's on Friday. After we ate, we sat out on their patio for a while just hanging out. The weather was nice, and the girls had fun running around while Grace showed Jeremy some of her gymnastics skills:
...the girls are loving each other more and more lately. They love to sleep next to each other, so I let them sleep in Grace's bed together:
...Saturday morning they made cupcakes on the iPad:
...we needed to do some shopping so we headed to The District to have breakfast at Rachel's Kitchen. The girls shared some fruit, and Charley mainly just dug around for the blueberries (her favorite food). We also did her hair in pigtails for the first time:
...they ran around for a while, but none of the shops opened for another hour. We decided to head to Town Square instead. We still had to wait around there for a bit, but Charley napped, and Grace had so much fun watching the birdies and feeding them pretzel bits from Wetzel's:
...after Town Square, we met Matt and Frannie at the Forum Shops at Caesar's. We didn't have anything else to do, so we walked around checking things out and grabbed some lunch:
...that night, we headed to Montesano's to celebrate Ellie's birthday. We're always talking and having fun, so I forget to take pictures. We had so much fun and enjoyed some of the best food ever. Happy Birthday, Ellie!
...Sunday morning, we woke up kind of late, so we got breakfast burritos at Fausto's instead of our usual Coffee Cup routine:
...when we got home, Grace dressed up as Princess Rapunzel. Isaac had picked out some Ninja Turtle stuff for Noah and Easton, too, so Rapunzel walked across the street to give them their gifts and played with Easton for a little while:
...later that afternoon, the girls and I went with Francesca to the Ditatas gender reveal party for their twins (a boy and a girl...congrats, guys!) while Isaac and Matt watched movies:
...when we got home, we all watched Zero Dark Thirty and then went straight to bed. It was a very relaxing weekend, and one that was much needed.
See ya next week!

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