Last Week...

...Grace's teacher gave her some Doritos after she helped clean up all of the tables and chairs in her class. She saved some to give Charley after school (how sweet is she?!), and they had fun snacking on them on the way home.

...the girls have really been into the movie Brave since it came out. We watch it at least five times a week. Grace is probably even going to be Merida for Halloween (if she's not Rapunzel). She knows almost all of the words to the entire movie and will break out in character at random moments. I caught her saying, "I am Merida. First born descendent of Clan Dunbroch, and I'll be shooting for my own hand." (Merida is from Scotland and has an accent.)

...the girls wore their sunglasses on the way to dinner.

...Grace played with the awesome light stick Mommy brought home from her girls' night concert last week.

...she worked on jumps and bars at gymnastics this week.

...we had pizza for dinner, and Charley had ranch for the first time. She literally licked her plate when it was gone. I'd say she liked it. Ranch is what I craved most when I was pregnant with Grace. It's one of my favorite things ever. Probably because my grandma made THE BEST homemade ranch when I was a kid, and I'd eat it on tomatoes and breadsticks allll the time.

Daddy washed her up in the sink.
...Noah came over with Nick to practice interviewing with Zacarias for the City of Henderson Fire Dept (whoo hoo!), and he and Grace had fun playing tag and hide-and-go-seek. Noah would count and then say, "This is going to be so easy!" He'd instantly find Grace hiding behind a basketball hoop or a teddy bear. She needs to work on her hiding skills.

...Presley and Charley had fun playing together. Char would take Presley's binky out, give her a kiss, and then put her binky back in. It was so funny. They're so cute, and I just love watching them play together.

...I went wedding dress shopping with my sister, Geni. I got to hold baby Chase while she switched dresses. He obviously likes his Auntie.

Goof ball!

...Grace worked on bars, scales, and handstands at gymnastics again. She really showed off since Grandma Lisa came to watch her.

...we grabbed dinner at Ta Ta afterwards, since Grandma was on our side of town. The girls loved the wonton soup, chow mein, and orange chicken. They had so much fun with Grandma Sunshine.

...we got some more rain, so the girls played out in the back yard when we got home from dinner.

...we found some fruit growing on our lemon guava tree.

...I finally finished my very first blog book. I'm taking all of my blog posts and making a book for each year - The Espejo Yearbooks. Only 3 more until I'm all caught up! It should be easier now that I know how to edit and format them in the BookSmart program. These will be so fun to show the girls when they get older. Grace already loves seeing pictures from when she was "a wittle, tiny baby".

...this little monkey slept so peacefully with her long eyelashes looking extra lush.

...Daddy and Char snuggled and watched Brave together. poured on Friday night, so we built a fort for the girls in the living room. They had a blast playing in there with their blankies, firefly lantern, and Charley's glow bear that she made at Build-a-Bear last fall. She has recently become obsessed with it since finding it upstairs and brings it to you constantly to turn the lights on. She can't quite figure it out just yet.

...Saturday morning, the girls played in the box that usually holds stuffed animals and not babies.

...Charley made some phone calls while the rest of us got ready for the day.

...we had breakfast at Marie Callendars. We used to go there every Saturday last fall, and they had the most delicious blueberry banana bread. I guess since it's summer, they switched it up to strawberry banana bread which happens to be just as delicious.

...after breakfast, we headed to the Fashion Show mall. During our shopping trip, the girls took a break to play in a little area they had for small kids. They loved it and had fun chasing each other all over.

...Daddy showed the girls a fashion show that started while we were walking by.
...all that shopping and playing really wore them out, and they napped on the way home.

...Grace and I snuggled on the couch for a while as Charley continued her nap in bed.

...we had some work to do in the kitchen, so Charley watched Brave in the living room after she woke up.

Can't get over that little pony or how long it's finally getting.

...we went to the Sebastians for dinner, so Grace made Noah and Easton M&M cookies for dessert while Isaac and I made homemade chips and guacamole. She only stole a few of the M&Ms.

...we ate dinner, and I went outside to check on the kids. They had all climbed up on this bench and were sitting there eating their cookies together. Cutest thing ever.

...they woke up Sunday morning in the best moods and giggled in Mommy and Daddy's bed before coloring on their iPad. was gorgeous outside, so we grabbed some doughnuts from Friendly's (so yummy!) and headed to O'Callaghan Park to eat them and play. Poppa and Gran met us and the girls had a blast swinging and running amuck.

Gracie loved pushing Charley and making her smile.

There was a hole in this bench, and Char was fascinated with seeing what was under it.

When she was ready to go, Char just laid on the sidewalk and started falling asleep.

...she was obviously tired, so Chawee and I napped when we got home.

...we got some more rain, and the girls slept right through it.

...Grace came down with a 104 degree fever. She said her side hurt and kept crying that her eyes were burning. She took some Motrin, napped, and put a frozen bag of peas on her eyes. She felt much better when she woke up and never got any other symptoms. That was the end of it.

...Grandma Espejo came over to play with girls, and Charley had fun wearing her necklaces and bracelets for Grandma.

Another long one...see ya next week!

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