Last Week...

...Gracie and I went to Lindsey's baby shower (Last last week...I missed this one. Oops!). Grace sat in the middle of the floor with Ashton and played assistant helped her write down all of the gifts Linds got. She was so funny:
(We can't wait for baby Carson to get here!!)
...Charley ran in the house after school and jumped on her blankies that were on the floor. She loves blankets. She'll just throw one on the ground and lay down on it with her head down. She is always dragging one behind her (she holds it over her shoulder) wherever she goes. It's the cutest:
...the girls watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs
...they also laid in Mom and Dad's bed to watch Beauty and the Beast:
...Stefanie posted this adorable picture of Presley, and my first thought was, "she looks a lot like Charley in this picture." I turned around to look at Charley and found her sleeping in the exact same position:
...Grace face fell asleep at six o'clock on Monday and slept through the entire night:
...she continued going to gymnastics and loves it. She asks every day, "am I going to janastics today?":
(She really looks like her Daddy here.)
...Charley snacked on blueberries all week. They're her most favorite food, and she's such a happy little ham when she gets to eat them:
...she continued singing in bed at night. I could listen to this over and over forever. Melts my heart to pieces:
...we finally got back to doing our grocery shopping at Trader Joe's for the week. We really like to shop there, because it's not super expensive, and they offer tons of organic products. Grace has never been a big meat eater, but we made salmon and barbecue chicken this week, and she ate both of them and actually liked them:
...the babies watched movies while it thundered outside. Obviously, the "funder" scared Grace, so she hid under the covers while she watched:
...Grace used her sleeping sister as a pillow:
...she got some new dress up clothes and walked around like a princess all afternoon:
...we spent a lot of time upstairs in the girls' play room. Daddy put their new TV in there, so they could watch movies while they play. We need to mount it on the wall and put their bookshelves up in the next week or so.
...I made some new comparison photos of the girls between pictures of Isaac and I around the same ages. It's so crazy how they can switch back and forth from looking like one of us to the other as they grow and change:
...Grace loves gymnastics so much that we added another day each week, so now she gets to go twice:
...she did her very first floor routine this week and was so proud. Now, after each class, she says, "Mom, let me see my bideos.":
...we got Slurpees after class, and Charley was finally able to get her very own (usually she has to share with Mommy):
 ...I started ordering the girls some clothes for fall/winter. I always buy them clothes for the following year at the end of each season when everything is on sale, so we've already got a decent start. I couldn't help myself with these ones, tough. These outfits are just way too cute:
(We also got some summer stuff for next year.)
...we met Zac, Stef, and Presley for dinner at Grimaldi's (best pizza in town):
 ...Charley and I snuggled in bed while Grace hung out upstairs with Daddy:
...Grammy got the girls new blankets at Duck Creek Days. Charley absolutely loves hers and used it to play peek-a-boo:
...this girl loves her Minnie recliner. I can put on any movie, and she'll run over to her chair and climb up in it. I can't believe how big this little one is getting:
...we had a play date at Kids Play Café with the Sebastians, and then went to Country Fest with our friends that night. So much fun!!
...Gracie and I hung out Sunday after Char went to bed for the night:
See ya next week!

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