Last Week...

Brace yourself, because you're in for a long one...
...the girls got some new cups for school, and Charley was very disappointed that she wasn't able to pull the straw out of her cup to spill it.
...she learned how to say "moh" (more) and was super proud of herself.
...Grace was her usual silly self after school on Monday.
...Charley and Daddy played when he got home from work. She is always so proud when she makes it up high.
...we colored in Grace's gigantic princess coloring book:
...Charley doesn't take binkies very often at home, but apparently she was in the mood for one (or two) on Monday evening. She even brought some over for the rest of us.
...the girls fell asleep together, as per usual. I can't help but take pictures every single time, because I love that they love each other so much. I want to document it before the fighting and stealing of each other's clothes starts to remind them of this time.
...Gracie went to gymnastics on Tuesday and got to work on bars this time.
...Charley and I went to Sophie's first birthday party while Daddy and Gracie had a date night. Charley had so much fun playing with all of the babies and eating all of their snacks (thanks for the blueberries and yogurt melts). We can't wait to have play dates with them all soon.
Happy First Birthday, Sophs!
...Charley learned how to roar like a lion on the way home:
...she was worn out from all of that play time and went to bed early.
...the girls went to Grammy's on Wednesday where Grace used Charley as a human coloring book (again). It's so funny that Charley will just sit there and watch Grace without making a peep. She loves her big sis so much.
...Mommy got her nails done again and brought home the best sweet tea ever from Raising Canes. The girls can't get enough of it.
...we went to dinner at the Sunset Station buffet. We are always so disappointed when we go there, but for some reason we always forget and try it out again. At least I got to sit by this cute girl.
...while Grace watched Oliver and Company in the bedroom, Charley played in her house and took care of her baby. Then she found baby Minnie and swaddled and fed her, too. Cutest little baby mama right here.
...Daddy swooped her up to steal some kisses. Then she watched some football and fell asleep on my lap. I love that she's still such a cuddle bug. I hope she never grows out of that.
...sleepy head Char drank Gatorade on her way to school.
...Gracie went to gymnastics again on Thursday. This time they worked on back hand springs, dive rolls, and vault.
...we called Lucille's (our favorite dinner spot) in for dinner and watched the Bears game while we ate. Charley obviously loves their mac and cheese.
...she wore her new ladybug backpack all over the house and figured out that she was tall enough to turn the lights off. She can't quite reach to turn them back on, so we sit in the dark a lot.
...the girls were both napping when I picked them up from Poppa and Grandma's house.
...I went with my sister to the Bridal Spectacular to get some ideas for her upcoming wedding. We didn't really see much that we liked, but we still had fun. Baby Chase got to tag along, and he was so excited.
...Grace and I browsed some bunk beds online. I told her that she could sleep on the top and Charley could sleep on the bottom. She said, "how would I get down?" I showed her the ladder and told her how she'd be able to climb down. Her response? "Oh, ok. Then that would be awesome, mom!" We're gearing up to finally move the girls upstairs, but I think we'll be having them share a room for a while since they're so young. I'm pretty sure this transition will be much harder on me than them. I'd prefer it if they slept in my room forever.
(Don't mind the ugly décor. We'll be going with something much more young and fun. We're currently talking mermaids.)
...the girls fell asleep in bed with me watching movies.
...I heard Charley moving around after she was in her own bed and went to check on her in case she was waking up. Nope. She was just re-positioning herself into this comfy spot.
...I successfully completed my very first sock bun. I've tried a few times and even got a tutorial from Kasie. I'm horrible at doing my hair, though, so I was impressed when I finally did it. Isaac saw me cutting a sock and asked what I was doing. I told him I was attempting a sock bun. He said, "I am not going anywhere with you if you have a sock in your hair." He didn't get that you weren't supposed to see the sock.
...we had breakfast at Fausto's on Saturday morning.
...after breakfast, we made our way to Town Square where we shopped for a couple of hours, but not before playing in the playground. Charley went down the slides over and over again. She checked out the splash pad but wasn't interested. Grace sold us some yummy cakes and took sister through the grass maze.
...after Town Square, we went to the mall down the road. Grace begged Isaac to let her ride the carousel, so of course, he let her. While we were there, the whole fam got the cutest matching shoes. They're Grace's new favorites.
...that night, I had plans for a girl's night. Francesca, Kasie, Shelly, and I got tickets to the Robin Thicke concert at the Cosmo Pool. My mom and Rick offered to watch the girls, so the boys also had a guy's night. We were so busy all day that the girls didn't get a nap. They went to Chucky Cheese where Char had a melt down. My mom brought her back home, so I could feed her and get her to sleep. She passed out instantly. Isaac stayed with her while she napped, and then my mom came and picked her back up. The girls had fun after that, and we even let them stay the night at Grammy's for the first time ever (although we were there to pick them up before eight the next morning).
...when we finally made it to the Cosmo, the girls and I had dinner at Holsteins (yum!). Then we made our way to the pool and got there just in time to see Sammy Adams. He is awesome, and I love him (mostly because he is from Boston and his accent is hot). We grabbed some drinks from the bar and hung out with Natalee for a while before making our way into the crowd in the middle to check out Jason Derulo. He was really good, too. Robin Thicke was up next and Blurred Lines was the first song he played. After that, he wasn't great. I was much more impressed with Sammy and Jason Derulo. We had so much fun. This may be one of the greatest places in Vegas to enjoy a concert. You're a few stories up looking over the lit up Las Vegas strip, the bass is bumpin', and you can relax and put your feet in the pool. We'll definitely be going back.
Girl's night = success!
...Sunday we had lunch at Grimaldi's. On the way, Grace was singing along to Pontoon by Little Big Town. She has known the words to this song since about the time Charley was born. So funny. the time we got to Grimaldi's, the girls had both fallen asleep and stayed that way through the entire lunch.
...they finally woke up as we were leaving, so we broke open the to-go boxes and gave them some pizza. Charley loved it and took over.
...after lunch, we stopped by the store for a few little things for the house. I came across this and couldn't resist.
...we got a nice thunder storm that afternoon. I've been ready for fall for weeks now, because the holidays are so fun when you have little ones. The heat doesn't help. I think this time of the year could easily be my favorite, though. We get random thunderstorms at least a couple times a week, and I LOVE this kind of weather. I'm still looking forward to pumpkin patches and Christmas lights, though.
...Grace was not a fan of the thunder once it was dark. Charley slept right through it, but Grace started crying. Isaac and I got out the flashlight and taught her how to make shadow animals to distract her. It totally worked, and she had so much fun.
Whew! That was a busy one. See ya next week :)

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