Craving a Snow Day

We have really been craving a snow day with lots of sledding and hot chocolate. The Sebastians were feeling the same way, so we decided to rent my parents rental cabin up in Elkridge, Utah. We took Friday off work, woke up early to load up the car, and headed up the mountain. The girls were so sweet holding hands as we drove. They were so good the whole way up (probably because they were so excited to spent a whole weekend with their besties)!

We stopped in Cedar City to fill up on gas. Charley had just fallen asleep, but Gracie was happy to get out of her car seat for a few minutes and be goofy with Mom and Dad.

We finally got going up the mountain, and I couldn't help but be in awe of the amazing scenery. It's always so much more magical when there is snow everywhere.

When we got to the cabin, we were surprised with how awesome it was. We unpacked and instantly made some hot cocoa with Fireball...delish!

Shelly got all of the kids matching jammies, so we changed them into some comfy clothes. They had fun watching movies together before heading downstairs to run amuck, play pool and darts, and get all of their energy out from being cooped up in the car all morning.

(How adorable, right?)

Gracie and Noah watched Planes in the bunk room, because they're big and can get on the top bunk. Silly kids.

We made a yummy casserole for dinner and hung out downstairs most of the night. It was such a blast. 

When we woke up the next morning, the kids discovered that Clarabell had flown all the way to the cabin after going to the North Pole that night. She wanted to make sure she was watching over them, so they'd be good. In the spirit of our mini vacay, she made hersELF a snowman.

Isaac made us all homemade waffles and eggs. We ate breakfast, drank lots of coffee, and made a huge pot of chili, so it could cook all day and be ready for dinner. Finally, we were all ready for some snow. It took us a while to get dressed with five kids, and Char totally looked like Randy from A Christmas Story all bundled up. 

We headed out into the cold where the kids tried sledding and had fun running around in the snow. They all looked so adorable in their snow gear chasing each other around.

Isaac was the only one brave enough to attempt a snow angel.

Shelly tried sledding down our little path, but she didn't make it very far.

The babies hung out on sleds watching everyone, and they were over it pretty quickly.

We took all of the kids inside, got the little ones to sleep, and put a movie on for the big kids. 

Then, us adults went back out to enjoy more snow (and beer...and Fireball shots). We grabbed some shovels, and made an awesome sledding ramp using the stairs for a starting point. It was perfect.

Shelly decided to take a nap on the table, so I had to wake her up with some more shots.

She went down on the sled one more time and then decided to stay down at the bottom of the hill. I joined her, and we relished in the peaceful silence for a good half hour. We tried building a snowman, but it was too cold for the snow to stick together.

We made some fireball slushies...the only time it's acceptable to eat yellow snow.

We hung out on the hammock before deciding that we'd better go check on the kiddos (who kept pressing their faces up against the sliding glass door giving us kisses).

Back inside, the kids made a gingerbread house, although I believe they ate more candy than what actually went on the house.

Afterwards, Gracie and I passed out while Char hung out with Daddy, and the Sebastian boys went outside to check out our sweet sledding path.

Shelly attempted to make some corn bread to go with our chili, but it got a little burnt...must have been that Fireball.

We spent the rest of the night relaxing, watching movies, and all went to bed early. We woke up, had breakfast, and were so sad to have to go home. Luckily, the girls slept the entire way until we stopped to say "hello" to my grandparents in Pintura. They got some of Grandma's homemade caramels and snagged some candy canes for the ride home. It was so good to see them and spend a little time chatting.

The whole weekend was so much fun. The cabin was perfect, and so was the company. We are so lucky to have found such awesome friends in our neighbors. We can't wait to go back soon.

If you're interested, here is a link to the rental cabin in Elkridge. I promise you won't be disappointed. It's secluded (but still only a mile from the local store), relaxing, and so much fun.

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