Last Week...

...we celebrated Christmas with all of our families and had the best year yet.

...the girls had so much fun playing with all of their Christmas gifts. They're such little princesses. They did Barbie's hair, painted her nails, and played with their new princess castle and horse stable from Grandma Espejo.

(Thanks, Uncle Zac, Stef, and Presley!)

...we went Christmas light seeing one more time before the season ended. I already can't wait to put our lights up next year. There is just so much excitement when you come home at night to your house (and entire street) all decorated with bright lights.

(Daddy's favorite...the Ninja Turtles)

...the girls hung out by the standing heater after bath time.

...we celebrated Kasie's birthday with a mini-party at our house on Friday instead of our usual Friday night dinner. Charley really enjoyed the pizza. This is her new "cheese" face. Cutie pants.

...Grace had to show Linda and Randy her Frozen Elsa dress and the Let It Go video that she uses to sing along with her new microphone that she got for Christmas. When she put the microphone down, Charley grabbed it and went to town.

Jeremy played with the girls in their new kitchen, and Charley made him a sandwich. She also fed it to him, tried to give him a drink of water, and poured it all over him. Don't worry, though. She also helped clean it up.

The guys (and Linda) had tequila shots in honor of Kasie.

We had so much fun hanging out with all of our extended family. Love you all so much!

Happy Birthday, Kasie!

...we brought Charley's old sleeper downstairs for her to sleep in while we partied. She has slept in it every night since, and asks to sit in it to watch movies and when she wants a nap. So silly.

...we had breakfast with Allison and Alex before they had to catch their flight back to Ohio on Saturday. Sad to see them go, but we'll be seeing them again real soon!

...Saturday night, Francesca and I went to the Britney Spears concert and had the best time. Britney is hot. She's such an amazing performer, and I cannot wait to see her again and again. We started off at La Salsa Cantina with some delicious margaritas before the show. GO SEE IT!!

...the girls played outside Sunday, and Shelly gave them each a bag of Lucky Charms to bring home. They both ran in the bedroom, dumped them on the floor, and began digging for marshmallows.

See you next week!

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