Last Week...

...Charley hung out in her 'I Love Santa' jammies after her bath. She doesn't really love him, though. Maybe next year after she sees what he got her for Christmas this year! sister came over to drop off some Scentsy stuff that I had ordered from her (check out her website here), and Uncle Isaac had fun playing and making faces with baby Chase.

...Clarabelle went fishing and left the girls the best Christmas candy ever...peppermint kisses.

...we went to see the new Disney movie, Frozen, with my mom and Rick. The girls absolutely loved it. It's definitely Grace's new favorite. She's especially in love with Olaf, and sings Let It Go multiple times per day. Papa Rick even bought Gracie an Anna and Elsa shirt (who knew they sold them at the theater?), and she had to put it on right away and wear it to school the next day.

...Char slept peacefully in her crib, and I couldn't get over how thick her hair is finalllly getting.

...the girls made cupcakes on their iPad after Grace did their hair. If she's being quiet, it's likely that you'll find her with a brush, comb, and spray bottle doing either her or Charley's hair.

...she snuggled with her sleeping sister at bed time.

...I finally got my tree all decorated for my desk at work.

...we played outside with our neighbors, and it was so cold. Char's ear warmers were a little big, so I gave her a little hat. She kept turning her head to make the little balls hit her cheeks. It was too funny.

...Clarabelle took a marshmallow bath.

...Gracie and I watched Prep and Landing on the couch after Char went to bed.

...Clarabelle brought Gracie a new big girl car seat on Saturday. The main reason for this was because Grace kept taking her arms out of her harness in her small car seat, so she wasn't really buckled in. It was time to upgrade her, and she was SO excited. Charley was sad, because she thought Grace was leaving, so she laid on her lap while she tried her car seat out.

...we made a tent under our comforter in bed, and the girls went crazy. Then, Charley attacked Isaac when he told her I was his mommy. She's very possessive.

...Noah gave us a letter where Grace was supposed to write her age (3) and give it back. It was a picture with random letters all over it, and it even came in an envelope. Grace drew some pictures for him to return with his letter.

...we had lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries. It's one of our favorite places to eat, but we don't go very often, so we really enjoyed it. If you're looking for the best cheeseburger you've ever had, I highly recommend it!

...the girls watched movies at Matt and Frannie's while us adults watched a couple of really good football games. OU even beat OK State's butt, which was awesome. Go Sooners!

...Charley eventually fell asleep in my arms. I think their puppy, Lola, wore her out.

...we met my family at the lake to watch the Parade of Lights. The parade ended up being cancelled, but we still got to check out some of the lights on the docked boats.

...the girls watched Ninja Turtles in bed with Daddy on Sunday.

...Charley played with her baby and got very upset when the blanket wouldn't straighten out the way she likes it. My stepdad is a little OCD, and so am I. It had to filter down somewhere, and Charley hates things being out of order or having sticky hands. She cracks me up. Once she was over the blanket, she decided to put her baby in her pack 'n play, and then she joined her.

...Char is also obsessed with her princess jewelry. She almost always has a necklace and multiple bracelets going on.

...we got the girls' school pictures back, and they turned out so ridiculously cute.

See ya next week!

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