Last Week...

...Isaac and I started the Whole 30 on Monday. We are trying to eat clean and teach our girls better eating habits, as well. We made lemon garlic salmon with baked asparagus for dinner. It was pretty good, although neither Isaac nor I are big fish people.

...I, of course, got an insta-migraine when I cut sugar out of my diet. The withdrawals are literally like that of a drug addict. I took a relaxing bath for about ten seconds before Charley found me the bubbles and tried climbing in.

...after Char's bath, we snuggled in bed and watched Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs II. There is nothing better than a snuggly baby with footsie jammies fresh out of the bath.

...the only deviation we are doing from the Whole 30 is our Life Core shakes. We have one each morning with a banana blended in. At first, they weren't very good, but I've grown to crave them each morning.

...we are preparing ourselves for the big transition upstairs, so Grace and I started checking out bedding for their new big girl room. At first, she wanted blue and kept telling me that "Char likes pink", but she finally settled on these two. We are going to go with a mermaid theme, so I have to figure out the wall mural before we make a final decision on which one to go with.

...I made homemade taco seasoning and ketchup for "taco Tuesday" sans the tortillas.

...Grace FaceTimed Grammy, but the connection kept getting lost, so she wanted to make her own videos instead., but I love her so stinkin' much. Sassiest kid there ever was.

...the girls and I watched Frozen on the couch before bed.

...Grace was being silly on the couch when Charley noticed and took her down.

...both of the girls like to be tickled before they fall asleep. I usually make Grace wait in her bed until Char is out, so I can move her into her crib. Then Grace comes in my bed, and I tickle her back until she falls asleep. Then she gets moved into her bed, too. They were both really tired Wednesday night, so Grace tickled Charley's feet while I tickled her arm. It was ridiculous, but I so love sharing some bonding time with my girls every night before bed.

...we made grilled chicken, pepper, pineapple skewers for dinner on Thursday. My favorite meal all week.

...the girls played in the bath, and I totally caught Grace blaming Charley for splashing when it was her all along.

...Charley had a blast playing with Poppa and Grandma's new puppy, Holly, at their house on Friday afternoon.

...I made the girls tomato soup with crackers for dinner...and almost died, because I wanted some SO bad.

...we made eggs with green onions and tomatoes and sweet potato hash for breakfast on Saturday.

...the girls and I went to Stefanie's bridal shower brunch on Saturday. We had so much fun, and the girls loved playing with Presley in Chloe's playroom.

(So bummed this one came out blurry!)

(Grandma Sunshine fed the girls doughnuts.)

It was near impossible to help Gracie eat that Oreo doughnut and not even lick the icing off my fingers, but I made through the day without any cheating!

...we finally got to meet baby Carson. What a little cutie!

...Grace played Red Rover at the Sebastians that afternoon.

...Isaac and I had burgers with coconut shrimp for dinner.

...we hung out at Grandpa and Grandma Espejo's Saturday night where Char insisted on wearing every necklace and bracelet she could find.

...she watched movies while standing on the ottoman. The girls have been hanging out in the garage with Isaac and I while we work out each afternoon. Char learned how to flex her muscles this week...kind of.

...Daddy got Char ready in the cutest outfit imaginable.

...we had brunch with Grandma Sunshine to celebrate her birthday. Again, Isaac and I ordered eggs and fruit and watched everyone else devour the best chocolate chip pancakes I've ever seen.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!

...I made this awesome diaper motorcycle for Kasie's upcoming baby shower.

...Grace kept saying "na na na boo boo" to Charley who thought it was the funniest thing ever.

...Charley is still insisting on napping in her sleeper daily. Grace opened the cabinet with all of their blankets and Charley took them all out and drug them around the entire afternoon.

...Isaac and I made a chicken/cabbage salad for lunch the following Monday. We always make our lunch the night before and try to use the same meat we had for dinner so preparation is easier. This one turned out to be so good with a little homemade mayo, avocado, and hot sauce on top.

...the girls fell asleep together without my help. I feel like putting them in the same room (and the same bed) upstairs will be so good for them. They love to be with each other all of the time, and having each other together will help me feel at ease leaving them up there all alone. Our room is the only one downstairs, which is why I've put off moving them for so long. I'm still not ready, but I think they are.

See you next week!

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