Last Week...

...the girls always miss each other extra on Mondays since they just spent the whole weekend playing together. When Grace and I walked into Charley's class to get her, they ran to each other and hugged, then held hands in the car on the way home. Sweetest sisters!

...we met the Sebastians at O'Callaghan park and had so much fun sliding, swinging, and walking around the entire park.

Char tried to play on the big swings like sister.

Nearly impossible to get a perfect group shot of the crazies.

...we stuck to our Whole 30 diet and made buffalo chicken salad for dinner. Delish!

...the girls watched Frozen over and over and over again on their iPads. They're obsessed. You should hear them sing the songs. Even Charley knows some of the words and sings along. It's the cutest thing everrrr. They make me listen to the soundtrack every time we get in the car, and you'll randomly hear Charley belting out "Let It Go. Let It Gooooo. Anymorrrreeee." I just can't.

...I got my nails done for Valentine's Day...although I'll probably get them done again before it gets here. Love nail girl rocks!

(Go see her...Tiffani at Posare on Eastern)

...Char watched her iPad while standing in her sleeper. I can't get over this girl's profile. Those lipssss...those eyelashes...those cheeeeeks. Love her so stinkin' much!

...after her movie, she slept in her sleeper instead of standing in it.

...we fell off and got ran over by the Whole 30 wagon. After twelve days and six pounds lost, we ventured out to Grimaldi's and Krispy Kreme with the Sebastians. It was extra delicious and well worth it. Looks like we'll be starting all over again at day one in the near future.

Since I couldn't get a good group shot, I decided on a video instead.

...Charley woke up early Saturday and giggled until my heart exploded.

...since we were having the Unertl baby shower at our house on Sunday, we spent Saturday deep cleaning and moved all of the girls' toys from the living room into our bedroom. Charley was in princess/baby heaven.

She recently started folding her arms when she wants you to leave her alone. It's so funny.

...we had lunch at Five Guys...because it's delicious. Grace ate a whole little cheeseburger.

...we stopped in Gap, and I got baby Chase the most adorable little man shoes. They're extra special, because they won't fit him until next fall (football season), and his Daddy is a big Michigan fan.

...Grace hung out in the front seat with me while Charley slept and Daddy ran into the store for more protein.

...we watched the Rebel game at Matt and Frannie's. Apparently, Lola really liked Char's soft blanky and snuggled up in my lap for a nap.

...Charley helped me work on some baby shower decorations, games, and favors. Such a big helper!

...the girls wrested with Daddy, and Charley sat down in the floor right in front of him. She started telling him stories in her Charley gibberish, and it was the cutest thing ever.

...Grace put her pajamas on by herself, and she ended up wearing Charley's footsie jammies, Nebraska sweat pants, earmuffs around her waist, gloves, and a fedora. She's so stylish.

...we celebrated the upcoming arrival of baby Jakson Unertl with an amazing jungle-themed baby shower.

...Charley fell asleep like this in the middle of the shower.

...she woke up still sleepy and snuggled with Tony.

...Chase hung out with Uncle Isaac.

...the girls were pooped and went to bed early on Sunday.

See ya next week!

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