Last Week...

...Auntie Elisha watched the girls on Monday, since their school was closed for President's Day. They had fun playing outside in the back yard while they waited for Mommy and Daddy to get home.

...we played out in the front yard and drove around the block.

...Charley chased Gracie around the living room pretending to be a zombie. The neighbor kids always play zombies, so now the girls do, too.

...they had a tickle fight...

...which led to a wrestling match...

...which led to cuddle time on the couch. A pretty typical night with these two crazies.

...Sister completely wore Char out.

...Gracie got the cutest new boots and wanted to wear them to school with a cowgirl hat. Unfortunately (or fortunately), she doesn't have a cowgirl hat, so she just rocked the boots.

...we spent the afternoon outside again. The weather has been absolutely beautiful the past week or two.

...we had dinner at Lucille's with some of our best buddies.

...Grace looked so stinkin' cute at bed time. I love her hair in pigtails.

...Daddy played princesses with his favorite girls.

...they watched movies on their iPads. Grace learned how to use Netflix and has recently become obsessed with Bo on the Go and Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood. Aunt Jessie and Uncle Larry were in town, so we met the family for dinner at Ventano.

...I couldn't get over how long Gracie's hair was after her bath.

...we played outside again on Thursday.

...Char decided to go get the Sebastians...

...and was totally bummed when they didn't answer.

...sister cheered her up with a ride in their Cadi. was one of the neighbor boy's birthdays, so he brought us all cupcakes.

...Grace took my phone and played photographer.

...Easton, Char, and Grace watched Frozen while Noah got ready for his first tee ball practice.

...we had Panera for dinner and Daddy did his best not to fall asleep at the table. He had to take some clients to the Rebel game Wednesday, which didn't even start until after 8:00. He had to be up early for work again the next morning, so he was beat.

...Grace ate some blue jello and hung out with Holly at Poppa and Grandma's.

...we played outside againnnnn on Friday. Shelly had some sparklers, and the big kids had a blast with them.

...Charley snuck into the Sebastians' garage, played in Easton's truck, and wore his helmet.

...Daddy got home late on Friday, so he spent extra time with the girls playing and making them an awesome fort.

...since I took a picture of Grace's hair earlier in the week, I decided to check out Char's. Only the tiniest little baby hairs are longer than her shoulders. It's growing slowly but surely.

...Noah was out front when we were getting ready to leave for breakfast Saturday morning, so he helped buckle Gracie up.

...we had burritos at Fausto's before heading to the mall.

...Daddy had to get Cinnabon, his favorite, because the whole mall smelled like a giant cinnamon roll. 

(Who can resist?)

...we stopped by Studio Tattoo, so Daddy could start getting his new tattoo drawn up. Gracie was very curious.

...Grace hung out on the couch, while I tackled the monster that was their play room.

...we had plans to go with the Sebastians to Bounce U Saturday afternoon, but it was closed for birthday parties. We ended up at Sunset Park instead and had so much fun feeding the ducks. We even saw a tiny turtle. Charley decided to swim with the ducks, but luckily only got her pants and shoes wet. She got to run around the park in her diaper for the rest of the afternoon. It was such a gorgeous day. We couldn't believe how warm and perfect it was outside.

This was right before she went for a swim.

...after we ran out of bread, we let the kids take over the playground for a bit. The slide was so big and so fast. They loved it and had so much fun going down over and over again.

...everyone worked up an appetite, so we made our way to Grimaldi's for some pizza. At dinner, the kids begged us (they didn't have to beg too hard) to go to Krispy Kreme for dessert. They all love it there. Don't mind Char with her messy hair and no shoes or pants. She was a hot mess by this time!

...she figured out how to use her sleeper to climb on the bed easier and then laid down and went right to sleep.

...we went to The Coffee Cup for breakfast on Sunday.

...Char wanted to take a nap in her crib, but never really fell asleep.

...Daddy teased Char and egged her on. She is so funny when you make her mad.

...I finished cleaning the playroom. It's so organized and adorable. Charley is big enough to go up and down the stairs on her own, so we took the gate down. The girls are now free to go play up there whenever they want. Next step: big girl room next door.

...we got ready to head to the store, and Daddy rubbed Charley's cheek while I was holding her. She laid her head down and fell asleep in two seconds. Instead of going shopping, I snuggled her in the La-Z-Boy. Can't pass up moments like these!

...soon, Gracie was asleep, too. I laid Char next to Daddy, who also fell asleep, and continued on my cleaning mission through the rest of the house.

That's all for now! Next week is Zacarias' wedding, and we'll have tons of family in town. We are all so excited and can't wait. Grace asks every.single.morning. "Are my cousins coming today to sleep at my house and play for five weeks?"

(They're only staying for five days, but I'm not going to burst her bubble.)

See you all soonnnnn :)

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