Last Week...

...the girls and I watched movies in Gracie's bed together.

...Grace watched TV with Daddy. One of her favorite things is sitting in the living room with Daddy while I put Charley to bed. She gets to watch "scary movies" like Spiderman and The Hobbit, which totally make her feel like such a big girl.

...Char wasn't feeling too well Monday night and wouldn't fall asleep anywhere else. She must've picked up whatever Gracie had over the weekend.

...I started working on her blanky and really like this pattern. It's turning out so cute (even if it is crooked and weird in some places).

...Charley had a slight fever Tuesday morning, but was acting fine, so I took her to school anyways. On the way, she kept asking where Daddy was. It was kind of weird, because she said she'd see him when she ate apples. She ended up eating apples at lunch with him...maybe she's psychic?

The school called me about an hour later (which I totally expected, but was hoping she'd make it through the day) saying she had a fever and was miserable. I left work to go get her, we stopped at home to grab her sleeper and iPad, and she spent the rest of the day hanging out in my office. She was so good and slept most of the day away.

...when we got home, she wanted to snuggle in bed with all of her favorite friends.

...she tried helping with her blanket when I wasn't looking. mom picked Gracie up from school earlier that afternoon and took her dress shopping. She has a lot of fancy events coming up. While we were waiting for her to come home, we played in the back yard.

...that night, she slept peacefully in her sleeper.

Notice her fancy artwork on the top?

 ...the next morning, she was feeling much better, and she and Gracie made birthday cards for Daddy while Auntie Elisha hung out with them.

...they had breakfast with Grandma Espejo.

...Grace played in her kitchen with Auntie.

...Charley played "I See You" with her.

...Grace gave Grammy her little blue friend to take to Mexico with her, so Grammy sent a picture of her getting ready to board the plane.

...we celebrated Daddy's birthday at Sammy's Restaurant with the best desserts ever. He didn't get a big celebration this year, since his birthday was sandwiched between Stefanie and Zac's bachelorette and bachelor parties. We'll make sure to do something extra special next year!

Happy Birthday, Daddy!! We love you!

...the girls danced around the living room and sang their favorite Frozen songs...basically a typical weeknight at our house.

...Grace loves to play restaurant in her kitchen. She even takes everyone's order and apparently, places orders on her phone for more supplies.

...I got my nails done on Thursday.

Thanks, Tiff! Love you!!

...the girls combed Daddy's hair and pretended to do his make-up. Daughters are the best!

...we got some rain Thursday night that led into a beautiful Friday morning sunrise.

...Charley napped for three hours at Poppa and Grandma's house.

...the Sebastians came over for a pajama play date. We got Happy Meals, played with lots of toys, and watched movies.

...Saturday morning the girls ate cereal and then wrestled with Daddy.

...I went to Bethany's baby shower to celebrate the upcoming arrival of baby Camryn Marie. Can't wait for this little cupcake to arrive!!

...Isaac had Zacarias' bachelor party Saturday night, so the girls and I went to the park to take pictures for their Valentine's while he went to check into the hotel and get ready. I was on the phone with my dad when we arrived at the park, so of course the kiddos fell asleep in the car. Then I had to wake them up and try to get them to cooperate for pictures. I only wanted ONE good one! They were sleepy and cranky, so I didn't get exactly what I was going for. Plus, it was pretty windy, and the balloons kept blowing all over the place.

Poor kid couldn't keep her eyes open. soon as I said we were done trying to take a picture. Both kids miraculously woke up and wanted to play on the playground. We spent over an hour running around enjoying the swings and slides.

High five for baby sis going down the slide on her own!

This started out as a fight when Grace forced Char to go down on her lap. As you can see, it ended in some big smiles.

When I said it was time to go, Char ran under the playground and folded her arms. She is the cutest when she pouts like this. It's going to be so hard to discipline her as she gets older.

...I decided to try one more time for a picture. Char was not having it.

...we made our way to the store for canvases and paint, since I promised Gracie we could paint while Daddy was gone that night. Both girls fell asleep in the car. sister texted me a picture of the cutest blanket that she made for Isaac and me. I love it and can't wait to put it on our couch!

...Gracie and I shared some Little Caesar's bread sticks while Charley continued her nap at home.

...the girls watched movies in their caterpillar chairs from Grandma Sunshine.

...we painted some pretty awesome canvases after their movie. They had so much fun. I took the cutest video of them, and right when I turned it off, Grace says, "Mom! Charley looks just like Jesus!" It was so funny!

...the girls hung out in their pajamas and showed off their gymnastic skills to Kasie.

...I tried one more time to get a good picture for their Valentine's, which ended up with them eating gummy bears.

...meanwhile, Isaac was having a blast with the guys in their room at the Hard Rock. They had some pretty awesome views and the coolest room with a pool table and a bar.

Oh, hi, Matt! Isaac took a picture to show me how their room had three doors opening to the outside that they left open while rocking out and playing pool.

...we played in the backyard Sunday morning with the Sebastians. Easton is the cutest thing ever.

...Isaac was a little hungover and slept most of the day Sunday. Grace and Char both fell asleep around 3:30 and didn't wake up until close to seven. I though I'd be in for a long night, but they were both back out by about eight that night. Such a relaxing evening for mommy! I got to work on Char's blanket some more. I feel like I'm getting quicker and better at it. I guess we'll see.

See you next week!

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